groupe de recherche sur le système nerveux central - GRSNC

groupe de recherche sur le système nerveux central - GRSNC

groupe de recherche sur le système nerveux central - GRSNC

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SAMAHA, Anne-NoëlTél. (514) 343-6111 ext.32788 PharmacologieUniversité <strong>de</strong> MontréalC.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-vil<strong>le</strong>, MontréalFax (514) 343-2291 Canada H3C 3J7URL site WWW: http://www.samaha-labo.comE-Mail: anna.samaha@umontreal.ca URL personnel CV:SAMAHA, Anne-NoëlStatut universitaire / University statusChercheure adjointePharmacologieFaculté <strong>de</strong> mé<strong>de</strong>cineUniversité <strong>de</strong> MontréalAppartenance à d'autres <strong>groupe</strong>s / Affiliation with other groupsMembre régulier du Groupe <strong>de</strong> <strong>recherche</strong> <strong>sur</strong> <strong>le</strong> système <strong>nerveux</strong> <strong>central</strong> (<strong>GRSNC</strong>)Association Canadienne <strong>de</strong>s NeurosciencesCanadian Col<strong>le</strong>ge of NeuropsychopharmacologySociety for NeuroscienceFormation / TrainingPh.D., University of Michigan, Philosophy, Psychology (Biopsychology), 2001-2004Master of Arts, University of Michigan, Psychology (Biopsychology), 1999-2001Bachelor of Arts, Honours, Université Concordia, Psychologie, 1994-1998Orientations <strong>de</strong> la <strong>recherche</strong>•Drogues d'abus et modè<strong>le</strong>s animaux d'addiction•Le rô<strong>le</strong> <strong>de</strong> la vitesse d'administration <strong>de</strong>s drogues d'abus dans l'addiction•Effets d'une exposition chronique aux médicaments antipsychotiques•Interaction entre <strong>le</strong>s médicaments antipsychotiques et <strong>le</strong>s drogues d'abusPrincipaux projets en cours:•Mécanismes neurobiologiques sous-tendant la sensibilisation dopaminergique induite par <strong>le</strong>s antipsychotiques•Effets d'un traitement antipsychotique chronique <strong>sur</strong> la poursuite <strong>de</strong> récompenses conditionnées et <strong>de</strong> drogues d'abus•Effets <strong>de</strong> la vitesse d'administration <strong>de</strong>s drogues d'abus <strong>sur</strong> <strong>le</strong> comportement <strong>de</strong> prise <strong>de</strong> drogueResearch orientations•Drugs of abuse and animal mo<strong>de</strong>ls of addiction•The ro<strong>le</strong> of the speed of drug administration in addiction•Effects of chronic expo<strong>sur</strong>e to antipsychotic medications•Interactions between antipsychotic medications and drugs of abuseCurrent research projects:•Brain mechanisms by which antipsychotics induce dopamine supersensitivity•Effects of chronic antipsychotic treatment on responding for conditioned rewards and for drugs of abuse•Effects of the speed of drug administration on drug-taking behaviourPublications choisies/Se<strong>le</strong>cted publicationsSamaha, A.-N., Reck<strong>le</strong>ss, G., Seeman, P., Diwan, M., Nobrega, J. and and Kapur, S. (2008) Less is more: Antipsychotic drug effects are greater with transientrather than continuous <strong>de</strong>livery. Biological Psychiatry, Jul 15;64(2):145-152.Samaha, A.-N., Seeman, P., Stewart, J., Rajabi, H., and Kapur, S. (2007) “Breakthrough” dopamine supersensitivity during ongoing antipsychotic treatment<strong>le</strong>ads to treatment failure over time. Journal of Neuroscience, Mar 14;27(11):2979-86.Samaha, A.-N. and Robinson, T.E. (2005) Why does the rapid <strong>de</strong>livery of drugs to the brain promote addiction? Trends in Pharmacological Sciences,Feb;26(2):82-7.Samaha, A.-N., Yau, W.-Y., Yang, P., and Robinson, T.E. (2005) Rapid <strong>de</strong>livery of nicotine promotes behavioural sensitization and alters its neurobiologicalimpact. Biological Psychiatry, Feb 15;57(4):351-60.Samaha, A. -N., Mal<strong>le</strong>t, N., Ferguson, S.M., Gonon, F., and Robinson, T.E. (2004) The rate of cocaine administration alters gene regulation and behaviouralplasticity: implications for addiction. Journal of Neuroscience, Jul 14;24(28):6362-70.Page 57

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