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62Macqueen's Ьustагd-SkуlaJ'kМ.Macqueen's Ьustal'ЙИаgріе 401.Mallard 39.Marsh lІапіег 148.Marsh sапdрірш' 499.Mf'trsh tit-mouse 372.Mnrsh wа\'ыl'· 14,;~:)·kNight lLel'on 3!О.~ordmann's pl'atineolo238.Meado,v pipit 62.Меаlу J'odpoll 122.Мегlіll 213.Miedle-spottod wood peckol'194.:\Iissel tl1rusl1 509.N.~ ol'thern bulfinch 434.N ortherll mагsll-tit-шоusе8367.)[olltagu's harrier 151.:\Ioorhen 233.:lIoustached scdge\varblrj'292.Иlltе swan 183.Юуndоw bunting 2()3.NOl'thern nuthatch 454.NortheJ'n nightillgale 2B,Q.~L1tcracker 332.Ol'tolalL 2( НіJ>allas-grey shrike 26!.Pallas-rose finch 124.Pallas-sea eagle 246.Pallid lІаггіег 150.Parakeet 426.Parrot grossbill 286.Partridge 384,Passenger pigeon 199.в,ауоп 167.Red-backed shrike 261.Red-breasted fly-catsllol'323.Rocl-breasted шегgаllsеl'3()6.Recl bunting 207.Red buzzard 104.Red-cl'ested pochal'd 331.Red-Iegged falcon 218.Recl-necked grebe 416.SakeJ' 212,Sanderling 173а.Sand-Martin 442.Savi's warbler 283.Scaup 343,Sclavonian grebe 414.Scops owl 358.Ospl'ey' 361.О.Р.Peacock 378.Penduline tit-mouse 440.Peregrine falcon 215.PIIalarope 390а.Phesant 391Pied flv-catsllel' 321.Pigeon '156.Ріпе gl'osbeak 407.Red-nockeclRed -spottedR.phalal'opeыlсc390а.throat290.Red staJ't 396.Red-throated divel' 1fi2.Red-throated рірН 61.Red,ving 505.Reed-wal'bler 17.Richardson's skua 45().Ring ouzel 508.Ringed рlоуег 13іі.S.Sea-eagle 245.Sedge warbIer 16.Serin finch 453.Shag 389.Shore Iark 209.Short-eared owl 90.Short-tood eagle 147.n),st.el'eatC]IOI· 244.Pillk-footed goose ,,11.Pilltail 32.PochaJ'd 341.РиfПп 220.PurpIe' Ьегоп 84.Руgшу СОГШОJ'аllt 390.Руgшу owl 239.RiveJ' \уагыIl'' 281,Rock pigeon 157.Rock sparrow 386.Rock thrush 313.Roller 164.Rook 170.RosJate реІіс.ап 383.Rоsе-соlошеd starlillg377.Rough-legged buzzard 101.. R\lddy shеldгаkе 125.I1пff В93'ShoJ·t-tоеd Ію'];: 108.Shovel!er 456.Siberian cralle 296.Siberian rough-leggedbuzzard 102.Siskin 123.SkyJark 24.

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