tFHRW' - Eudusa.org

tFHRW' - Eudusa.org

tFHRW' - Eudusa.org


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Slепdег-ЬШеd сш'lеw-W ryneek 133Slendcl'-billed curle,v 336.Slender-billed gпll 270.Smew.304,Snow bunting 410,Sno,v goose 53,Snowy owl 339.Sociable рlоуеl' іН9.Song tlll'ltslJ. 506.Sparrow hawk 6.Spotted crake 421.~pott\:d fly-catr11cl' 3НSpotted redshank 435.Squacco-herol1 А(і.Starling 47fi.Steppe eagle 75.Stock pigeon lr)f).Stonechat 450.Stone curlew 10:;.Storme petrel 42::.Swallow 248/1.,Swift 186.Та,vпу рірН 60.Tawny 0\'1'1 471.Temminck's stil1t 115,Tengmalm's 0,,,1 2:2.\Yall-СІ'еереl' 491,Water pipit 63.Water гаН 437.Waxwing !l3.Whimbrel 335.Whinchat 449,Whiskered tem 249.White-backed woodpeckol'196.\Уhіte-соllю'с(l fly-ratchcl'320.Т.Tl1ree-toed woodpcckel'404.ТІ'ее сгеереl' 128.Tree pipit 64.Тгее sр/l.ПО'" 371.U.Uгаl 0\\'1 472.V.Уеlvеі Sc.otm' 347.W.\Yhite-Irol1ted goose 4(і.White-eged duck 344.White-headed duck 359.\Vhite heron' 200.White spoonbill 409.White stork 143.Whitethroat 482,\V'hite wagtail 314.White-winged lю'k 298.Wigeon 38.\V'hite-wil1gen hlaek-tem250.Tufted duek :Н2.Turkey 300.Turnstone 88.Tllrtle dovd 468.Two-barred crossbiIJ 384.\УЬоореl' swan 182.vVillow grouse 259.\VШо,,\, 'УІ'еп 400.W oodcock 451.\Yood lагІс 287.W ood pigeon 159.Yvood sandpiper 496.Wood wren 399.\Vren 502\V'J'yneek 251'1.

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