vol. 32, Nº 54 - Fundação Biblioteca Nacional

vol. 32, Nº 54 - Fundação Biblioteca Nacional

vol. 32, Nº 54 - Fundação Biblioteca Nacional


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LARSON, P. R 1976. Development and organization of the secondary vessel systera in Populusgrandidentata.<br />

Am. Jour. Bot. 63 (3): 369-381.<br />

1976. Procambium vs. cambium and protoxylem vs. metaxylem in Populus deltoides<br />

seedlings. Am. Jour. Bot. 63:13<strong>32</strong>-1348.<br />

et PlZZOLATO, T. D. 1977. Axillary bud development in Populus deltoides. I.<br />

Origin and early ontogeny. Am. Jour. Bot. 64: 835-848.<br />

-et ISEBRANDS, J. G. 1978. Functional significance of the nodal constricted zone<br />

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LARSON, R I. et ATKJNSON, T. G. 1970. Identity of the wheat chromosomes replaced by<br />

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