1979 nr 17.pdf - BADA - Högskolan i Borås

1979 nr 17.pdf - BADA - Högskolan i Borås

1979 nr 17.pdf - BADA - Högskolan i Borås


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"Irudf8nbullet5nen är ett arga för Sv~nsIt-fndiiWas3ar Fökbunde-t,<br />

vzm syfte är att. ge: f ortggende: 3t;nfbrmai2i.m. aie;~ fPtdbrd'olkezn uab.<br />

anwa förtrycIrta &ni&ka rai;n&tetexs &.tua-. Små häftan<br />

(40-50 siaör) som innehållen- artik- om aktuella prablen, bbde<br />

gällande. hdikmm ooh. andra m£noritetex6 amt t,ex. ~EB~BT och akider.<br />

En &eneilerad tidskrift som viaar ett starittoah berättiga&<br />

eriigagemg f ör f örkryckta. f oUgmppe. -<br />

"They made us prami'ses, mme than I can-renaember, &t they<br />

never kept but me. They pxomised to take our Land and they<br />

linok it,"<br />

ed Cloud, oglalasiawxhövding, senare delen av 1800-talet)<br />

"Greed and avarice on the part of the whites - h other words,<br />

the almighty dollar, is at the bottom of nine-tenths of all om<br />

indikn troubles,<br />

e en er al George Crook, mitten av 1800-talet )<br />

"In his-tory the iIS government dfscovered that it was cheaper<br />

to keap them on the resemaans thm to try and kil1 them. So<br />

they were marched uito what we hoped were welesa pieces of land,"<br />

(:okand vit ammikan, 1 900-talet)<br />

The White' people who are t m g to make us over into their<br />

image, they want us to be what they ca11 assimilated, bringing<br />

the Iindians into the mainsrtream: and desizoying our m way of<br />

lifk and our om cultural pattens. They believe that we should<br />

be oontented to become W e those whose ooncept of happiness ia<br />

two cars and a colour TV, a very materialiatia and greedy sncb&y<br />

whikh is vev different from our way."<br />

(okänd nardamerikansk indian, t goo-talet )

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