12.02.2013 Aufrufe

Anhang B.2 Engineering Physics Modulhandbuch Master of Science

Anhang B.2 Engineering Physics Modulhandbuch Master of Science

Anhang B.2 Engineering Physics Modulhandbuch Master of Science


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<strong>Anhang</strong> B2 <strong>Modulhandbuch</strong> M.Sc.<br />

Spezialisierung<br />

Module description: Ultrashort Pulse and High Power Laser <strong>Physics</strong> (cos)<br />

Field: Specialisation Laser & Optics<br />

Course: Ultrashort pulse and high-intensity laser matter interaction<br />

Term: Summer<br />

Person in charge: Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. habil. Ulrich Teubner<br />

Lecturer: Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. habil. Ulrich Teubner<br />

Language: English (German)<br />

Curriculum correlation: <strong>Master</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Physics</strong><br />

form/time: lecture: 2 SWS<br />

Workload: Attendance: 28 h<br />

Self study: 62 h<br />

CP: 3<br />

Prerequisites acc. syllabus<br />

Recommended prerequisites: Basics in optics and laser physics<br />

Aim: The students acquire broad experimental knowledge <strong>of</strong> the<br />

application <strong>of</strong> femtosecond and high power laser systems.<br />

They should be acquainted with the interaction <strong>of</strong> intense light<br />

with matter in general and with respect to important scientific<br />

and technical applications such as laser plasma physics, laser<br />

material processing, laser generated particle and radiation<br />

sources <strong>of</strong> ultrashort duration and/or ultrashort wavelength<br />

Content: Application <strong>of</strong> femtosecond and high power laser systems,<br />

absorption <strong>of</strong> intense laser light, basics <strong>of</strong> laser matter interaction<br />

at high intensity, fundamentals <strong>of</strong> laser plasmas, diagnostics,<br />

applications in micro machining, laser generated ultrashort<br />

radiation such as high-order laser harmonics aund femtosecond<br />

K-α-sources and keV and MeV electron and ion sources and<br />

their application to micro fabrication micro and nano analysis.;<br />

atto physics, high field physics<br />

Assessment: 1 hr final written examination, Fachpraktische Übungen<br />

Media: black board, power point, practical work in the laboratory,<br />

calculations using PC<br />

Literature: Dausinger, Lichtner & Lubatschowski: Femtosecond technology<br />

for technical and medical applications (Springer); Phipps: Laser<br />

Ablation and its applications (Springer); Gibbon: Short pulse<br />

laser interactions with matter (Imperial College Press); Skript<br />

(c/P) = compulsory subject / Pflichtfach, (cos/WP) = compulsory optional subject / Wahlpflichtfach<br />


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