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Sec iv.] 'llHl itD I':XYI':I)JTION, I9l:;-l> :17<br />

I renched Singer t~y the route already surveyed ill 1!N7 alrd, aftl:r scc.i~ril~g t.l~csre .\tnlurrahim's<br />

yo~~~rgest brother as guitle, I ~)rocc~edetl ivt~st~i~r~lk: to (:~~III~IIU lo~alities \r here traces<br />

of earlier occt~pation werct rc!l)orletl. l'assing t1111s l'rorn 1"o-ch'Bng-tzrr to Sl1i111li I \\.a.i able to<br />

map ilitercsti~~g nrrtl :IS yet. ~~i~s~~r\~cyc~rl ~ro1111cl ill tile rno~~ntains; Ilicair r~l~gerl ~RIIX(.S an11<br />

deeply erotletl valloys \\.ore ill striliillg coi~trast, wit11 the \vorit-tlo\vrl II~)I:LIIII~ ~ttvt in tile Ki~ri~ktiigli<br />

i'11rt11~r cast. 'I'II(I KII:LII~OI 11~:~b.h II:I~*(~I OII tliis roi~te SPCIII~~~ to cs~~(~~~0 10,000 f'cet and<br />

probahly ~.el)resclit tl~c greatest rlewtio~t of' tllc Kuruk-tiiyh. 7"<br />

1 tl~r~r 111:~de ~ny wily ~o~~iIi-~~ast\vi(r~ls over Larre~i gravel l)latra~~r to t11(* +all hjlring of<br />

Y.irtlang-Lnlali at, t,hc sout.11 foot of the Kuruk-tigli and by the tiecontl week of March entered<br />

thc \\~a.terless tlesert to thr so~~tli. l3esirlrr ctsploring certs.in nncicnt burial grouncls I corr~pletell<br />

the stirtrey of tl~e K~~rnI~-tl;~t~yi, the llrietl-up river-t~l.Il \r.hicl~ olwe carrie(1 tlte water of the<br />

Koncl~c-tla~yi to tllr Lou-lair siteh ant1 tile ilr~cirnt tlrlta to the -or~tli.<br />

The (lay after ~ r ~ retnrn y to YArliang-b~~la 1 war rcjoinell by -1friz-gnl \\hose bafe<br />

arrival at this al)l)oil~tcd desert. n~eeting phce I hat1 been eagerly awaiting.<br />

Af~.Be-g~sl's 811i.VPgB<br />

dol,g d,.,cd-up Some anxiety about the safety of the over~lae little party was justified<br />

sun,<br />

by the truly forbi~ltling nature of tile groilntl hc l~atl to traverrc and the<br />

length of the strain 111lt. on our brave camels. Afriz-g111 hat1 c;~r~.ietl tl~ro~~gli the clifticult<br />

programme laid down by I I I ~ \\,itli rrmarkablt, conipletrness and ii~telligence, his success on<br />

this survey alone ful!y justifjinx tlie award to 11ini two years later of the Jlacgregor Silver<br />

Medal by the Jntc?lligenee l)e~,artment of the Indian C;el~cr.al Staff'.<br />

Gnitled by a third brother of Abtlr~rral~ini he first gained Xltmirh-b111ak by tlie most<br />

direct, track leading due south of Deghar. ?"Thence 11r snrveyetl certain ancient reniains in<br />

the extreme north-east of the once-\\atered Lon-Ian area for tlic examination of \\~liich I had<br />

been unable to spare tinie a year car1ic.r. Keplenishing liis sul)ply of ice froni the salt springs,<br />

he struck out to the south-east for the point nrliere my exl~lorations of tlie preceding year had<br />

shown the ancient Chinese route from Lou-Ian to Tun-1111ang to have entered the salt-encrusted<br />

bed of tlie Lop sea. 5; I'rorn there Ile traced its shore-line to tlie south-west, ~naking l~lenty<br />

of interestin: observat,ions on inlets and termilia1 flood-beds once carryiug water from the<br />

Kuruk-dary~. Finally he reached, at Chainut-ko1, the northern edge of the area iu which tlie<br />

spring floods of the dyiug Tirim spread thernsel\,es out to undergo rapid evaporation in<br />

lagoons and marshes. 7' He arrived, as I had intentled, jut before the usual inundation could<br />

interfere \vit,li liis progress to ground aff'orcling some scanty grazing for his hard-tried camels.<br />

After a few (lays' rest he turned riortliwards into tile wind-eroded desert and striking<br />

1,,, tOl .,,, ,,,,, the line of the soutliernmost branch of the ' Dry River ' traced more<br />

Tiriiu mrtrdtrs to *Dry remains of the ancieut settlement discovered along it a year before.<br />

Hlver.'<br />

Finally after crossing my route of December, 1906, in an area of for-<br />

midable dunes, he gained tlie main riverine belt of the Kuruk-daryii along the foot of the<br />

outermost ICuruk-tiigh. 7" From this escel,tionally difficult exl)loratiou \vlricll had kept<br />

Afriz-gul and his three 17111cliy cornpsnions from contact with any human being for a month<br />

and a lralf, lie brought back, bcsides interesting arcli;rological finds, an accurate plane-table<br />

survey and careful records of topographical details such as 1 could not have hoped for from any<br />

of my surveying assistants employed on this or my previons espeditions.<br />

Froin Ysrdang-ljulak we movecl \vestwards to the point know11 as Yi~~q-p'an where<br />

Erplo~*ations nrar<br />

Yitrz-p'an.<br />

tlie ancient bed of the Kuruk-daryii is crossed by the TurfBn-Lop track.<br />

'Illere a short halt was made in order to explore interesting remains at and near a fortified station situated at the deboochure of the dried-up<br />

stream of Shindi and occupied during the early period when it guarded tlie ancient Chinese<br />

high road from Lou-Ian. 'I'l~e same ~p~~ortunity was used also for surveying tlie belt of driEt-<br />

i0 See Sheets Nos. 29. A. I, 2. 1%. I ; 26. 1). 2. The<br />

hypsornetrical height memnrements taken by me on<br />

this route hnd not been worhed out at the tirue wheu<br />

these map sheets were cc,nrpiled.<br />

7' See Shcet ho. 29. A. 2,3, U. 3; cf. above p. 28.<br />

S e Sheets Nos. 28. U. 3,4; 29. I). l,2.<br />

See *beet Nu. 32. A, E.3; cf. above p. 30.<br />

7' For Afriz-gul'e route from Altmish-hulnk as<br />

marked by Camps C. ccxxxvii a - ccxliv a, see Sheets<br />

Iioa. 31. A.3,4, 8.3; 29. 11. 4; 30. C. 1. The details<br />

of Afrh-gnl's ylnne-table traverse are on this route as<br />

OII all his independent surveys snpplemented by a<br />

foll and exact record of topographicnl features in<br />

the form of a roote report in Urdu from which I<br />

hope to publish extracts.<br />

i5 bee Sheet Xu. 29. A, 8.3. L'. 3,C

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