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62 THE RII:(:IONS SURVISYED [Chap. It<br />


l'here st,ill rernairl \vitlrin t.he linlits of our I11Bl)S two distinct rezions to be noticed.<br />

Both are of very great 'xtcnt, ant1 in both tlie grourrd :rctually surveyetl along a couple of<br />

route lines is ilrces~arily IilniteJ. Ncvrrtlielcss s11c11 is the nnifori~~ity of physical features<br />

prevailing ~villiin each that. tlrc! t,ol~ograpliy of even ;I restricted area may prove very<br />

The first of tlrese regions is the gre:lt desert are3 c.nlirely orenpied by the barren<br />

ra11ges and plntclatls of t,lie Yei-sha~r (the ' Nort.ller11 Moul~fail~s'). It<br />

nercrt nrcn of<br />

I'~,i.*b:in. ma! be tlcscribetl as estt~ndiii~ \vest\vartls from the 13tsiri-gal course to<br />

about. longitude YaO where it pl.obal~ly joins \\.rtll, or nrergcs in, the<br />

fioruk-ts~h. In tlre north it. is bourttltd by the slol~es of the easte~nmost T'icn-slian and its<br />

off~hoots and in tlre south bj tlie lina-hni-tzu and btr-lo-lro bariris.<br />

Oor surveys throt~gh it. la.!. alolrg t\vo lincs, one the well-knolvn caravan track connect.<br />

Rontrs through<br />

I'ci-shntn.<br />

inz An-hsi nit,li FIPmi, and tlie other a route, r rev ion sly uncxl~lored,<br />

\vliich took us fronl Mao.mei to east. of tlie Karlik-tBgh. The record<br />

of tlrese surveIs in Slietkts Nos. 37, 36, '1.0, '12 and that of other tracks<br />

followed by Russian and Gern~aii travellers between H;in~i and So-cliou show that this huse<br />

area is traversed by a series of niucli-decaxed hill ranges, the axis of all trending roughly in<br />

tlre direction from E.N.E. to W.S.Ttr. Ret\\.een tlicm ~11read broad detritus-covereil plateaus<br />

where ill-detii~ed del)ressions, alternating with the outcrol~s of alniost completely smotllered<br />

rocky ridges, n~arl; the fyrmer existence of side spurs \vitlr their corresponding valleys.<br />

The scanty drainage observrcl along our eastern route in dry beds and sliallvw troushs, . .<br />

up to about latitade 4d0, ~eemed to trnd ton.ards the Etsin-gol, nrllile<br />

T,onC,, l,et,\.een<br />

T.~r~t.shn~~ aud along the An-hsi-llirni trakk the direction alq)eared to lie to the west<br />

Pel->itall.<br />

or south-west. North of latitude 42O both routes descend into a deep<br />

and well-marked trough which seems to separate tlie P2i-shan formation from the gravel<br />

$cis of the easternmost T'ien-slian. Whatever d~ainage t1:is big depression carries on tile<br />

rare occasions of floods must find its way into some, as yet unexplored, basin in the desert<br />

further west. '<br />

The general bearing and character of the Pei-shan ranges, nowhere apl~arently much<br />

esceediug 8,000 feet in height, seerrls to point to a close morphological<br />

Morpho'ogy Of connection with the Kuruk-ti:h system. But t.his can only be decided<br />

Ye'-sl~au.<br />

by expert geological examination. Scanty wells or springs found at<br />

intervals in the depressions render tlie crossi~rg of this stony ' Gobi ' practicable for small<br />

*arties at one time, and near them a very limited amount of grazing on scrub or reeds is<br />

ordinarily to be found. But neither nomadic occupation nor large migrat,ions were ever<br />

possible here during the historical ~eriod.<br />

To the north of the Pei-shan extends the easternmost T'ien-shan, the second of the<br />

regions referred to at the head of this section. As far as our surveys<br />

T,i!r::::"'",","gee are concerned, it may be said to extend from above the Turfiln basin<br />

to about longitade 95' SO', if not further. It maint,ains througllout<br />

the general direction from west to east and ultimately dies away in the ' Gobi ' of the southern<br />

Altai. Our survey of it was confined practically to the main range and to some yortions of<br />

the neinhbouring ground in the sooth. Along the whole length, considerably more than 300<br />

three sections of the main range rise to heights about 13,000 feet and carry perpetual<br />

Seo for tl~ese tile map attncbed to Professor<br />

Fllttel.er's careful paper, Geographisrhe Skizze der<br />

spring of Chin-Crh-ch'iiao, Sheet No. 37. P. 4, at about<br />

4,020 feet above sea-'eve .<br />

WGtr (iobi, I'eter~lla~an's Mittheilnngen, Irgaoznngsheft<br />

No. 139.<br />

The nsfii~med brfin ma? nccoont for tile lalie<br />

obtained<br />

the well of Yeu-tun. Sheet No. 37. A. 4, at nn elcva- fritm native ioformation ; this lake hns uever been<br />

tiom of about l,i30 feet; our enstern route near the located.<br />

'To!i ' which 16 shown by Russian nlnpf or) o s~~pposed<br />

2 The An-bsi-Himi route crosses the troagh near rol#te frnm llimi to To':-iuhng, ~~ppa~entl!-

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