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7 6 SO'L'ES ON 1NI)IVIl)I~hL RTAI' SlIEIS'l'S [Chap. IV<br />

NO'l'lfS ON SIIEET No. 17 (KllCIfAi)<br />

TIle ~11rvevr. rorortlrd it1 this s11t~r.t wcro we Ilave the \\ride alluvial ran whiclr the<br />

olade ill 1'30s ant1 191.5. 'l'ht. rt,lnpnrir- Muz-art ant1 Kuclli rivers Sorni at their<br />

tively close net of ro~rtrr :rro~ultl Kuclli tlel~o~~cl~~~re and mllich is orc~lpicd 1)y the<br />

datca maillly fronl lhc sl'rit~g oi' 111~ latter :reat oasis of Kuchil. That its cllltivatiorr<br />

year \vlletl arcl~:t~ological intercrts krl~t. Itle at estet!tled n.itllin lristorical tinres m~tcll filrt,ller<br />

,vorl; for sevt,ral weeks in tlrt. virir~ity of itltot~lrereed- :undscrltb-coveredbeltsturoundtirat,<br />

great,, al~tl sitrce early 1in11'~ ilrr))orf.ant, ing it. 011 the east, solltlr and west, is clearly<br />

oasis \\'llil~ R1ii11 ;\frhz-gnl assrstetl nle demollstrated by the numerous ruined sites<br />

ill l'laile-table work here, 11. 13. L5l Sia~11 sllt)w11 OII the map (A-D.2).<br />

sllrvcvetl tile eater slol)ra of tile 'l"ivn-sllarl In its aml~le irrigation resources, due to<br />

uortll\vard. 'L'he routes sol~tl~\v:~rtIs lo two rivers issuing near to each ot,her from<br />

Sllahyfir and beyond \\ere tnal)~lctl on the the footlrills, as also in various other aspects,<br />

ocrnsioll of our joint crossin: of the Taltl:l- KIIC~I:~ forms a CII~~OIISI~ closcpetz(lavt to the<br />

ttlaliin in Jnouary-l"ebr~~ary, 1908.<br />

Kllotau oasis iu t,lrc soutlr. If desiccation<br />

!?or the tow11 of KnchR tlrc astronorni- has trot left here qlrite so striking evicle~rre of<br />

cal latitude agrrecl closely \vitli that of Mr. its 1)rogress it1 the shape of sand-bnried<br />

Clementi. Its longit,ude nras detern~ined by ruins, wind-eroded 'Tatis', etc., the explanat:~king<br />

the mean of the values intcrl)olated tion is easily furnished by the broad riverine<br />

bet\veen the accepted posit,ions of Kasllgar belt of the llBritll which adjoins in the<br />

and Korla and bet,\veen Korla atid Telrgri- soutl1.<br />

kllnn, respert~ivcly. Tlris longitutle (82O 53' This secolrd zone wit,ll its jungle and<br />

30") was follncl to agree very clost*ly with inundation tracis effectively protects the<br />

that obtained by plotting the route from the irtigable area frorn etlcl.oaclrnlent by tile<br />

side of Kerixa river vin Perer. ant1 Sllally%r drift-sands of the Taklama1;iln. Tlte latter<br />

and was therefore accel)ted, l2 tl~u~cgll differ- forms the t,llird zone and stretches its duneing<br />

some 15 min~ltes from that sho\vn in covered wastes away to the thin strir~g of<br />

Air. Clenlenti's list. In addition to the oases lining tile extreme edge of the glacis<br />

latitudes recorded below, those observed by of the K'on-Ion on the other side of the<br />

Dr. Hedio along the Titrim river and by T;irin1 Basin. In the strip of Taklamakin<br />

Mr. Clenlenti on the main road were used. groullcl slrown by the solltllern portion of the<br />

A brief descriptive account of the routes sheet (A,B.3), the change in the direction<br />

followed by me in 1908 is to be fo~~nd in of the high dune ridges or 'Dawnns' may be<br />

Desert CrctAny, ii. PI). 875 sqq. Points specially noted. ll'llile in the north they<br />

connected with tlre liistorical topography of run from east to west parallel to the Tirim,<br />

the riverine t,ract between the bluz-art furtller south they bear approximately from<br />

(Inchike; and Tsrim rivers have been dis- N.N.E. to S.S.W., corresponding to the<br />

cussed in Srria~licr, iii. pp. 123G sq. A dirertion of the tct~tlrinal course of the Keriya<br />

record of the observations collected in 1915 river where it dies away in the sands.<br />

concerning tlle present and ancient topo- Correctiofis. B. 1. Cliffs should be<br />

graphy of the Kuchi oasis and its vicinity shown above Dt~ldul-oknr close to the right<br />

must be reserved for tlre report on my third bank of the Rluz-art It., tlre river gorge being<br />

expedition.<br />

practically impassable from belom Kizil-<br />

The area represented in this sheet, apart mingoi down to the caves of Rfing-oi, above<br />

from the portion of the subsidiary basin of KII~I-tnra.<br />

Bai occupying its north-western corner, falls The name Sti-hiJi at the deboucliure of<br />

into three distinct zones. In the north, at the tlre Kuclri river sl~oold be in red, being<br />

foot of the outermost spurs of the T'ien-shen,<br />

Astronovtical(y observer1 latil~~dta.<br />

applied to the ruins on both banks.<br />

1906-08. KuchB City, Camp 309 (near Ya-m&n ; B. 1) ...<br />

1913-15. Ishtala, Camp 318 (hamlet near centre of cultivation; C. 1)<br />

41° 4.2' 65"<br />

41° 51' 18"<br />

l2 The longitnde ndoptcd in our map has since La G;ographie, 1921, xaxv. pp. 494 ~qq. Itshosr tile<br />

received gratifying oonfirmntion by Dr. Loois Vnil- longitnde of Kuchn, deterrnil~cd by three lnunroccol-<br />

lant'a 'Note snr quelqnes points sstronorniqnes d6ter- tstions, as 82' 63',(i nncl its Intitode ns 41°42',6.<br />

mines en Asie Centrnle (Nisaion Pelliot 1906.09)', in

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