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BIRMAH. 109<br />

quent on the Tatar conquest, may account for the<br />

superior information and polish ascribed to the people<br />

of Laos. Nor is there any violence in supposing that<br />

Buddhism, which had travelled from Magadha to<br />

Ceylon, and from Ceylon to China, found its way<br />

through Laos, by means of Chinese fugitives or<br />

colonists, to Siam and Pegu, and thus met, as it were,<br />

with the Buddhism already imported into Birmah,<br />

both from Ceylon and from Bengal.*<br />

There are several highly-interesting inquiries con-<br />

nected with the history of Buddhism and its intro-<br />

duction into these regions, to which we hare not<br />

ventured to advert. Whether the religious creed<br />

which it displaced was of a purer kind, as in China,<br />

or only a grosser adolatry, and whether Buddhism<br />

itself be not a corruption of a purer faith, are questions<br />

not of very easy solution. How far any of the<br />

tenets or institutions of the Indo-Chinese nations may<br />

be thought to exhibit traces of a Christian origin, is<br />

also a curious inquiry. When it is recollected, that a<br />

Nestorian mission was introduced into Ceylon in the<br />

fifth or sixth century, it. is certainly possible that the<br />

striking coincidences observable in many parts<br />

of the<br />

* " The Birmans of Ava acknowledge the superior antiquity of<br />

the Cingalese, and the reception of their laws and religion from<br />

that quarter. The king of Ava has, within the last thirty years,<br />

at separate times, sent two messengers, persons of learning and<br />

respectability, to Ceylon, to procure the original books on which<br />

their tenets are founded. In one instance, the Birman minister<br />

made official application to the governor-general of India, to protect<br />

and assist the person charged with the commission." HAMIL-<br />

TON'S Gazetteer, art. Ceylon. On the other hand, we are told,<br />

that "the Birmans entertain the highest reverence for Magadha.<br />

A deputation from his majesty of Ava visited the sacred places in<br />

that vicinity a few years ago." FINLAYSON'B Siam, p. 252, note<br />

(by SirS. Raffles.)<br />


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