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328 ANAM.<br />

rivers fall. It is not considered as very safe in the<br />

S.W. monsoon, though the ground is good, but in the<br />

opposite season, the harbour is excellent.<br />

The coast of Cochin China, from Cape St. James to<br />

Turon is Bay, singularly bold and picturesque. A<br />

continuous chain of lofty mountains stretches in the<br />

direction of the coast, (that is S.E. and N.W.)<br />

throughout this tract, at a very short distance from<br />

the shores, which are in general abrupt, bold, and<br />

precipitous, or. begirt with a narrow sandy beach.<br />

" The ranges of hills are numerous, and for the most<br />

part are seen to rise above each other in gradual succession<br />

as they recede from the. sea. Their abrupt,<br />

acuminated, and ridgy forms, their sterile summits,<br />

their steep flanks, leave little room to doubt that the<br />

greater part, and the whole of the western half of<br />

these mountains, are granitic. Near to the middle of<br />

the chain, they become less bold and less elevated,<br />

while their forms are rounded at top. With this<br />

change, increased fertility of the soil and a country<br />

better adapted for the support of man come into<br />

view. Here, human industry struggles against the<br />

inequality of the soil. Numerous fields are observed<br />

to occupy the sides of the hills, and a vast fleet of<br />

boats plying in the open sea, indicates the existence of<br />

a numerous population. Some of the islands along<br />

the coast are also cultivated in a similar manner."<br />

The bay of Turon is completely land-locked, and<br />

were its entrance as easy as its interior is safe, it<br />

would<br />

bours.<br />

be justly numbered among the best of har-<br />

From Turon to Hue", a passage of about twenty<br />

hours, the coast still preserves its rugged, bold, and<br />

picturesque<br />

character. The chain of mountains is<br />

continued ; the ridges bear the same forms and direc-

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