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318 ANAM.<br />

At the period of the rebellion, there resided at the<br />

court of Cochin China a French emissary of the name<br />

of Adran, who styled himself the apostolic vicar of<br />

Cochin China. Caung-shung had held him in so high<br />

esteem as to place under his tuition his only son, the<br />

heir to the throne. Adran, on the first burst of the<br />

revolt, saw that the only hope of safety was in flight.<br />

The king was already in the power of the rebels, but<br />

the queen, the young prince, with his wife and infant<br />

son, and one sister, by Adran's assistance, effected<br />

their escape. They took refuge in a forest, where<br />

they lay concealed for several months. When the<br />

enemy retired, they made the best of their way to<br />

Saigon, where the prince was crowned under the name<br />

peror had been uniformly victorious ; but he bore honourable testimony,<br />

at the same time, to the valour of the enemy, and to the<br />

justice and reasonableness of his pretensions to the throne, which<br />

the former possessor had relinquished; and dwelt on the universal<br />

esteem in which he was held by the people ; giving it as his opinion,<br />

that Long-niang should be invited to Pekin, to receive the<br />

investiture of the Tongkin crown, and suggesting that a mandarinate<br />

would amply satisfy the dispossessed Tongkinese prince. The<br />

whole scheme succeeded, and an invitation in due form was sent<br />

down to Long-niang to proceed to Pekin. This wary general, how-<br />

ever, thinking it might be a trick of the viceroy to get possession<br />

of his person, remained in doubt as to what course he ought to pursue.<br />

On consulting one of his confidential generals, it was concluded<br />

between them, that this officer should proceed to the capital<br />

of China as his representative, and personate the new king of<br />

Tongkin and Cochin China. He was received at the court of Pekin<br />

with all due honors, loaded with the usual presents, and confirmedin<br />

his title to the united kingdoms, which were in future to be<br />

considered as tributary to the emperor of China, On the return<br />

of this mock king to Hue, Long-niang was greatly puzzled how to<br />

act. But seeing that the affair could not long remain a secret with<br />

so many living witnesses, he caused his friend and the whole of<br />

his suite to be put to death, as the surest and perhaps the only<br />

means of preventing the trick which he had so successfully played<br />

on the emperor of China, from being discovered. This event happened<br />

in 1779. BARROW, p. 254.

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