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188<br />

BIRMAH.<br />

celebrated professor of physic. In the mean time, all<br />

the physicians of the country, to the number of<br />

twenty, were assembled to consult and prescribe for<br />

the sick infant. The disorder was an inflammatory<br />

fever. Tea, made of wild thyme, and decoctions of<br />

several vegetable productions, were the only medicines<br />

administered. They did not, however, neglect to call<br />

in the aid of supernatural remedies : incantations and<br />

amulets were used, to the efficacy of which much was<br />

attributed." While the recovery of the child continued<br />

doubtful, Colonel Symes sent his Hindoo pundit<br />

every morning to inquire after its health. The pundit<br />

was introduced into the sick chamber, where he wit-<br />

nessed the most amiable demonstrations of parental<br />

tenderness. Both the father and the mother were<br />

seen kneeling by the side of the infant's bed, and<br />

they attended on him day and night. At length, the<br />

twenty doctors pronounced their patient out of<br />

danger, to the joy of his parents, and all their<br />

attendants.<br />

During their detention here, Colonel Symes made<br />

several short excursions. The soil in the immediate<br />

neighbourhood is light and sandy, with many loose<br />

stones : it is very favourable for the cultivation of<br />

cotton, several plantations of which were seen. Sesasum<br />

also is sown here. The country is, for the most<br />

part, undulating. There are several neat villages<br />

within the distance of two or three miles. A deep<br />

ravine, formed by the monsoon rains, extends inland<br />

from the river, the banks of which are covered with<br />

stunted trees, affording shelter to numerous tigers,<br />

who abound in the adjacent forests. Partridges,<br />

hares, quails, and wood-pigeons of a beautiful plumage,<br />

may be met with in the open fields ; but the junglefowl<br />

keep close in the thick covers, where it is dan-

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