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BIRMAHi 151<br />

quay, all provided with good roofs, and masted after<br />

the country manner. The neighbourhood is uncom-<br />

monly fruitful in rice, and a large quantity is annually<br />

exported to the capital. Here are capacious granaries<br />

belonging to the king, built of wood, and covered with<br />

thatch; these are kept filled with grain, ready to be<br />

transported to any part of the empire in which there<br />

happens to be a scarcity. During this day's voyage,<br />

the Anou-pec-tou-miou, or great western chain of<br />

mountains, was distinctly visible. The particular<br />

mountains in sight are named Taungzo. The districts<br />

passed through seemed exceedingly populous, and in<br />

most parts cultivated.<br />

As they advanced, the next day, towards the town<br />

of Peing-ghee (or Pohem-ghee), the western range of<br />

hills closed upon the river, and displayed in some<br />

places very beautiful scenery. The rocky banks rise<br />

abruptly to the height of two or three hundred feet,<br />

richly clothed with hanging trees of variegated foliage.*<br />

*<br />

Captain Cox, describing apparently the same part of this<br />

voyage, but at a different " :<br />

season, (Dec.) says About noon," on<br />

the fifteenth day, " as we approached the mountains on the<br />

western shore, a beautiful view opened to us. To the west was a<br />

to<br />

margin of bright sand, backed by a green bank and woody hill ;<br />

the northward, high and distant mountains, covered with foresttrees<br />

to their very summits; to the eastward, a high bank, with<br />

large trees and huts scattered below them, ending in an abrupt<br />

point, which closes the reach, so as to give the river here the appearance<br />

of a fine lake chequered with the boats of our fleet. As<br />

we advanced, the scene varied ; many sandy islands divided the<br />

stream, some of them barren sand, others high and covered with<br />

lofty trees and cultivated ground. We advanced by the western<br />

channel, where a precipitous hill about 150 feet high, covered with<br />

trees and bushes, comes down abruptly to the river, and forms its<br />

western boundary. The basis of this hill is a crumbling rock of<br />

the superstratum, an immense bed of rich<br />

yellow, coarse grit sand ;<br />

sandy loam. The stream here is about a quarter of a mile wide,<br />

and pretty rapid. When we had passed these cliffs, we came to a<br />

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