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ANAM. 345<br />

preter states that dog's flesh is sold here. The shops<br />

are of convenient size, in which the wares are disposed<br />

to the best advantage. One circumstance it was im-<br />

possible to overlook, as it exhibits a marked difference<br />

of taste and manners in this people from that of the<br />

nations of India. Articles of European manufacture<br />

have, amongst the latter, in many instances, usurped<br />

the use of their own ;<br />

and you can scarcely name any<br />

thing of European manufacture which is not to be had<br />

in the bazars. Here, with the sole exception of three<br />

or four case bottles, of coarse glass, there was no<br />

article whatever to be found that bore the least resem-<br />

blance to any thing European. A different standard<br />

of taste prevails. A piece of cotton cloth was scarcely<br />

to be seen. Crapes, satins, and silks are alone in use,<br />

the greater number of them the manufacture of China<br />

or of Tongkin, there being, in fact, little or no manu-<br />

facturing industry here. The articles which they<br />

themselves had made, were not numerous. I may specify<br />

the following : handsome and coarse mats, matting<br />

for the sails of boats and junks, coarse baskets, gilt<br />

and varnished boxes, umbrellas, handsome silk purses,<br />

in universal use, and carried both by men and women,<br />

iron nails, and a rude species of scissors. Every thing<br />

else was imported from the surrounding countries.<br />

In exchange, their territory affords rice in abundance,<br />

cardamoms, peppe^, sugar, ivory, betel, &c. There<br />

are a few wealthy Chinese who carry on an extensive<br />

trade here ; the bulk of the people are miserably poor,<br />

and but few amongst them are in a condition to trade<br />

but upon the most limited scale. Few of the shops in<br />

the bazars appear to contain goods of greater value<br />

than might be purchased for forty or sixty dollars,<br />

and the greater number are not worth half that sum.<br />

It is difficult to conceive that a population so extensive

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