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BIRMAH. 143<br />

constructed on a commodious plan, and are well<br />

adapted to make their course against the stream. A boat sixty feet in<br />

powerful<br />

length measures not<br />

more than twelve feet across in the widest part. But<br />

the consequence of their being thus long and narrow<br />

is, that they not only require a great deal of ballast,<br />

but would be in constant danger of oversetting, were<br />

they not provided with outriggers, consisting of thin<br />

boards, or buoyant bamboos, which compose a platform<br />

extending horizontally six or seven feet on the<br />

outside of the boat from stem to stern; so that the<br />

vessel can incline no further than until the platform<br />

touches the edge of the water, when she immediately<br />

rights. Upon this platform the boatmen ply their oars,<br />

or impel the vessel forward by poles.* Here the crew<br />

sleep by night, and lire by day ; protecting themselves<br />

from the weather by putting up mats, or spreading a<br />

sail from the roof of the boat to the outside edge.<br />

sort of cabin is constructed by taking away one thwart<br />

beam near the stern, laying a floor two feet below the<br />

gunwale, and raising an arched roof about seven feet<br />

above the floor; a commodious room is thus formed,<br />

14 feet in length and 10 feet in width, together with a<br />

small closet. At the stern is a stage, on which the<br />

leedegee or steersman takes his stand. A vacant space<br />

is left of about seven feet, where a kettle may be boiled<br />

and dinner cooked. On each side of the cabin, a door<br />

opens on the platform, and there are windows which<br />

admit of a free circulation of air. The roof is made<br />

of bamboos covered with mats, and over all is extended<br />

a piece of canvass that effectually secures it from the<br />

heaviest rain. The inside is neatly lined with matting.<br />

* In the same manner the roof of the champans, or flat-bottomed<br />

boats used on the Magdalena, serve as a deck for the boat-<br />

men, on which they stand to push along the boat with their poles.<br />


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