Chinese and Arabian Literature - E. Wilson - The Search For Mecca

Chinese and Arabian Literature - E. Wilson - The Search For Mecca

Chinese and Arabian Literature - E. Wilson - The Search For Mecca


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; ! ; ;<br />

THE SHI-KING 171<br />

With anxious care looked on our leader brave<br />

Watchful the carriage-officers appeared <strong>and</strong> grave.<br />

— !<br />

Nan Chung, our chief, had heard the royal call<br />

To go where inroad by Heen-yuns was made,<br />

And 'cross the frontier build a barrier wall.<br />

Numerous his chariots, splendidly arrayed<br />

<strong>The</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards—this where dragons were displayed,<br />

And that where snakes round tortoises were coiled<br />

Terrific flew. " Northward our host," he said,<br />

" Heaven's son sends forth to tame the Heen-yun wild."<br />

Soon by this awful chief would all their tribes be foiled.<br />

When first we took the field, <strong>and</strong> northward went,<br />

<strong>The</strong> millet was in flower ;—a prospect sweet.<br />

Now when our weary steps are homeward bent.<br />

<strong>The</strong> snow falls fast, the mire impedes our feet.<br />

Many the hardships we were called to meet.<br />

Ere the King's orders we had all fulfilled.<br />

No rest we had; often our friends to greet<br />

<strong>The</strong> longing came ; but vain regrets we stilled<br />

By tablets stern our hearts with fresh resolve were thrilled.<br />

" Incessant chirp the insects in the grass<br />

All round about the nimble hoppers spring.<br />

From them our thoughts quick to our husb<strong>and</strong>s pass.<br />

Although those thoughts our hearts with anguish wring.<br />

Oh !<br />

could we see them, what relief 'twould bring<br />

Our hearts, rejoiced, at once would feel at rest."<br />

Thus did our wives, their case deploring, sing;<br />

<strong>The</strong> while our leader farther on had pressed,<br />

And smitten with his power the wild Jung of the west.<br />

<strong>The</strong> spring days now are lengthening out their light;<br />

<strong>The</strong> plants <strong>and</strong> trees are dressed in living green<br />

<strong>The</strong> orioles resting sing, or wing their flight<br />

Our wives amid the southern-wood are seen,<br />

Which white they bring, to feed their silkworms keen.<br />

Our host, returned, sweeps onwards to the hall,<br />

Where chiefs are questioned, shown the captives mean<br />

Nan Chung, majestic, draws the gaze of all.<br />

Proud o'er the barbarous foe his victories to recall.<br />

;<br />


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