String Theory Demystified

String Theory Demystified

String Theory Demystified


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132 <strong>String</strong> <strong>Theory</strong> Demystifi ed<br />

The result obtained in Example 7.2 allows us to write the fermionic part of the<br />

action in a relatively simple way. Denoting the fermionic action by S we have<br />

F<br />

S<br />

F<br />

T 2 µ α<br />

=− ∫ d σ( −iψ ρ ∂ ψ ) α µ<br />

2<br />

T 2<br />

=− ∫ d σ( −2i)( ψ ⋅∂ψ<br />

+ ψ ⋅∂ ψ )<br />

− + − + − +<br />

2<br />

∫<br />

= iT d σψ ( ⋅∂ ψ + ψ ⋅∂ ψ )<br />

2<br />

− + − + − +<br />

It can be shown that by varying the fermionic action S F , one can obtain the free<br />

fi eld Dirac equations of motion:<br />

µ µ<br />

∂ ψ =∂ ψ = 0<br />

+ − − +<br />

(7.8)<br />

The Majorana fi eld ψ µ<br />

− describes right movers while the Majorana fi eld ψ µ<br />

+ describes<br />

left movers.<br />


Now, we introduce a supersymmetry (SUSY for short) transformation parameter<br />

which is denoted by ε. This infi nitesimal object is also a Majorana spinor, which<br />

has real, constant components given by<br />

ε<br />

ε =<br />

ε<br />

⎛ ⎞ −<br />

⎝<br />

⎜<br />

⎠<br />

⎟<br />

Since the components of ε are taken to be constant, this represents a global symmetry<br />

of the worldsheet. If it were a local symmetry, it would depend on the coordinates<br />

( σ, τ ) . Furthermore, the components of ε are Grassman numbers. Two Grassmann<br />

numbers a, b anticommute such that ab + ba =0.<br />

Now we use ε to defi ne our symmetry. The action which includes the fermionic<br />

fi elds is invariant under the supersymmetry transformations:<br />

δX= εψ<br />

µ µ<br />

µ α µ<br />

δψ =−iρ∂X ε<br />

+<br />

α<br />

(7.9)<br />

Using δψ µ µ α µ α µ<br />

, we also fi nd that δψ =−iρ∂ X ε = iερ∂X . Notice that this takes<br />

α<br />

α<br />

the free boson fi elds into fermionic fi elds, and vice versa. We can relate individual<br />

components as follows. First, we have<br />

δ εψ ε ε ψ<br />

µ ⎛ ⎞<br />

µ µ<br />

−<br />

µ µ<br />

X = = ( ) ⎜ εψ εψ<br />

µ<br />

⎝ψ<br />

⎟ = +<br />

− +<br />

− − + +<br />

(7.10)<br />

⎠<br />


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