String Theory Demystified

String Theory Demystified

String Theory Demystified


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180 <strong>String</strong> <strong>Theory</strong> Demystifi ed<br />

Space-Time Supersymmetry and <strong>String</strong>s<br />

We have introduced some of the basic ideas of space-time supersymmetry by<br />

considering the point particle (known as the D0-brane). Now we move on to consider<br />

the supersymmetric generalization of bosonic string theory. Recall that the action<br />

for a bosonic string can be written as<br />

1 2 αβ µ<br />

SB =− ∫ d σ hh ∂αX ∂ X<br />

2π<br />

β µ (9.12)<br />

Following the procedure used to write down the D0-brane action which was invariant<br />

under SUSY transformations, we introduce a new fi eld:<br />

µ µ µ<br />

Π =∂ X −iΘ Γ ∂ Θ<br />

α<br />

α<br />

A A (9.13)<br />

α<br />

µ<br />

This approach is different than the RNS formalism discussed in Chap. 7. The Πα are actual fermion fi elds on space-time. In Chap. 7, we had spinors but the ψ µ were<br />

space-time vectors and not genuine fermion fi elds.<br />

It turns out that in string theory the number of supersymmetries is restricted to<br />

N ≤ 2. If we consider the most general case allowed which has N = 2, then there<br />

are two fermionic coordinates:<br />

1a 2a<br />

Θ and Θ<br />

(9.14)<br />

To get the full action we need to extend Eq. (9.12) in two steps. The fi rst step is to<br />

simply add a corresponding piece containing the fermion fi elds defi ned in Eq. (9.13).<br />

It has basically the same form:<br />

1 2<br />

S1=− d hh<br />

2π<br />

∫ σ<br />

αβ<br />

ΠΠ (9.15)<br />

Now things get hairy for technical reasons. In supersymmetry, there is a local<br />

fermionic symmetry called kappa symmetry. To avoid getting weighted down with<br />

mathematical details in a “Demystifi ed series” book, we are going to leave it to you<br />

to read about kappa symmetry in more advanced treatments. Here we simply take it<br />

as a given that we need to preserve this kappa symmetry and that we can only do so<br />

by adding the following unwieldy piece to the action:<br />

1 2 αβ µ 1 1 2 2 αβ 1 µ 1 2 2<br />

S = d ⎡−i<br />

X<br />

2 ∫ σ⎣ε ∂ ( Θ Γ ∂ Θ −Θ Γ ∂ Θ ) + ε Θ Γ ∂ Θ Θ Γ ∂ Θ ⎤ α<br />

µ β µ β<br />

α µ β<br />

π<br />

⎦<br />

µ<br />

α<br />

βµ<br />


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