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N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery


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iebersteinii for Baron Friedrich August Marschall von Bieberstein (19th century German explorer in<br />

southern Russia<br />

bienn- Latin biennium, bienni(i), n., a span of two years, every two years.<br />

biennis -is -e bien'nis (bi-EN-is, bye-EN-is) biennial, plants which bloom in the second year, from Latin<br />

adjective biennis, -is -e, two years old; lasting two years, in reference to the plant completing its life cycle in two<br />

years, usually flowering and fruiting the second year.<br />

bifariam Latin adverb on two sides, twofold, from bifaries, twofold.<br />

bifarius arranged in two rows<br />

biferus producing two crops in one season<br />

bifidus -a -um twice-cleft, split into two parts, divided or cut in two, from Latin bifidus, divided into two parts<br />

biflorus -a -um biflor'us (bye-FLO-rus, bi-FLOR-us) blooming in pairs, or having two flowers.<br />

bifoliolatus -a -um having two leaflets, from , and folium, foli(i), n., noun, a leaf.<br />

bifolius -a -um bifo'lius (bi-FO-lee-us) two-leaved, <strong>with</strong> two-leaves, from , and folium, foli(i), n., noun, a leaf.<br />

biforatus <strong>with</strong> two openings<br />

biformatus, biformis of two forms, having two forms or shapes<br />

bifrons two-fronded, double foliaged, different on each side.<br />

bifurcatus, bifurcus bifurcate, having two prongs, twice-forked<br />

Bigelowia, Bigelovia, bigelovii bigelo'vii (big-el-OH-vee-eye) for Dr. Jacob Bigelow (1787–1879),<br />

Massachusetts medical, botanical scholar, and prominent author of “ Florula Bostoniensis”. (Compositae)<br />

bigelowii Bigelow, J. (Bigel.)/ Jacob Bigelow (1787-1879); Bigelow, J.M./ John Milton Bigelow (1804-<br />

1878)<br />

bigeminatus, bigeminus in two pairs<br />

bigibbus <strong>with</strong> two swellings or projections, two humped<br />

biglandulosus <strong>with</strong> two glands<br />

biglobus double balled<br />

biglumis two-glumed, consisting of two glumes (of grasses)<br />

Bignonia (Bignona) for Abbé Jean Paul Bignon (1662-1743), librarian to Loius XIV.<br />

Bignoniaceae Bignonia'ceae (big-noe-nee-AY-see-ee) plants of the Bignonia, Trumpet-flower family, from the<br />

genus name, Bignonia, and -aceae, the standardized Latin suffix of plant family names.<br />

bignonoides big-no-nee-OI-deez; like Bignonia, Trumpet-flower-like<br />

bijugis, bijugus yoked, two-together, double-yoked (applied to pinate leaves <strong>with</strong> two pair of leaflets)<br />

bilabiatus -a -um double-lipped, divided into two lips<br />

bilateralis -is -e arranged on opposing sides, as the leaves of the Yew.<br />

bili-, bilis, -bilis Latin bilis, gall, bile; anger, displeasure.<br />

bilinguis two tongued<br />

-bilis -is -e Latin adjectival suffix indicating capacity or ability, tending to be, cabable of, worthy of, having<br />

the quality of, used <strong>with</strong> a verb base when the root infinitives end in -ere or -ire.<br />

bilix Latin bilix, having a double thread.<br />

bilobatus, bilobis?, bilobus two-lobed, divided into two lobes (of anther and leaves)<br />

bilocularis <strong>with</strong> two small compartments<br />

biltmoreana<br />

bimaculatus, bimaculosus two spotted<br />

bimammus <strong>with</strong> two nipples<br />

bimus Latin bimus, lasting for two years, two years old.<br />

bin- Latin bini, twofold, two, two at a time, of pairs of things.<br />

binarius Latin binarius, of two.<br />

binatim adv. in twos<br />

binatus twin, a leaf consisting of two parts<br />

bínei Greek imperative ‘f___!’ (Romans, especially Roman women, liked to talk dirty in Greek. (Ostler<br />

2007))<br />

binervatus, binervis, binervus, binervius, binervosus two-nerved, having two nerves or veins (said of leaves)<br />

biniflorus bearing flowers in pairs<br />

binocularis two-eyed, two-spotted<br />

binodis consisting of two nodes<br />

bio-, bioo-, bios, biot- Greek βιον, bion, living, life.<br />

biolettii biolet'tii (bi-oh-LET-ee-eye)

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