N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery


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acteatus -a -um bractea'tus (brak-tee-AY-tus) New Latin for bracted, bracteate, bearing bracts, modified leaves<br />

immediately below the calyx, or on the peduncle, from Latin bractea, a thin metal plate, gold leaf, and -atus, Latin<br />

suffix indicating possession, likeness of, or ‘provided <strong>with</strong>’.<br />

bracteolatus <strong>with</strong> bracteoles, minute modified leaves on the peduncle<br />

bracteosus -a -um bracteo'sus (brak-tee-OH-sus) bract-bearing, <strong>with</strong> large, showy or significant bracts<br />

bractescens bracteate<br />

brad-, brado-, brady- Greek βραδυς, bradys, slow, dull, sluggard.<br />

Bradburia For John Bradbury (1768–1823), English naturalist, collector for the Liverpool Botanic Garden in<br />

the Missouri Territory (1810–1811).<br />

bradburiana<br />

brahuicus from the Brahui Mountains on the border of Beluchistan in Asia<br />

Bramia from east Indian vernacular Brami.<br />

branch-, branchi-, branchium, -branchium, brancho-, branchum, -branchum Greek βραγχια, bragchia<br />

(branchia) a gill; a fin;hull of a ship; also hoarse.<br />

branch- Greek βραγχος, braychos (branchos), a gill a fin.<br />

brancifolius <strong>with</strong> claw-like, cleft leaves, from , and folium, foli(i), n., noun, a leaf.<br />

Brandegea Brande'gea (bran-DEE-jee-a)<br />

brandegeana brandegea'na (bran-dee-jee-AY-na)<br />

brandegeei brande'geei (bran-DEE-jee-eye)<br />

branta, -branta Icelandic a brant, goose.<br />

Brasenia New Latin, for Christoph Brasen (1774), 18 th century Moravian missionary and plant collector in<br />

Greenland and Labrador; name of unknown origin in one source. (Nymphaeceae formerly Cabombaceae)<br />

Brasilianus, brasiliensis of Brazilian origin, from Brasil.<br />

Brassia for William Brass, an eighteenth-century British botanical illustrator and collector<br />

brassic-, brassica, -brassica Latin brassica, cabbage.<br />

Brassica Bras'sica (BRAS-i-ka) New Latin, from Latin, cabbage, alternately Celtic bresic, cabbage. (Cruciferae)<br />

brassica cabbage, Brassica Cretica<br />

Brassicaceae Brassica'ceae (bras-i-KAY-see-ee) from the genus name, Brassica, and -aceae, the standardized<br />

Latin suffix of plant family names.<br />

brassicae folia cabbage-leaves, from , and folium, foli(i), n., noun, a leaf.<br />

Brassicaefolius, brassicifolius brassica-leaved, <strong>with</strong> cabbage-like, Brassica, leaves, from , and folium,<br />

foli(i), n., noun, a leaf.<br />

brassiciformis cabbage-like<br />

brastes Greek βραστης, brastes, earthquake.<br />

brastos Greek βραστος, brastos, a boiling up.<br />

Brauneria ???? Alexander Karl (Carl) Heinrich Braun, (1805-1877)<br />

braunii braun'ii (BRAWN-ee-eye)<br />

brauntonii braunton'ii (brawn-TONE-ee-eye)<br />

Brautschleier German cv. bridal veil<br />

brecc- Italian break<br />

brecciarum brecciar'um (breh-chee-AR-um)<br />

brechm-, brechmo-, brechmus, -brechmus Greek βρεχµα, brechma, the top of the head, parietal bones.<br />

brecho Greek βρεχω, brecho, wet, soak.<br />

bregma-, -bregma, bregmat Greek βρεγµα, bregma, the top of the head, parietal bones.<br />

brem Greek roar<br />

brenth-, brentha, brenthus, -brenthus Greek βρενθος, brenthos, of stately bearing, arrogance; also a stately<br />

water bird.<br />

breph-, brepho-, brephus, -brephus Greek βρεφος, brephos, a foetus, an unborn or newly born child, foal,<br />

whelp, cub, etc.<br />

brephogeus found<br />

bret- Greek βρετας, bretas, wooden image of a diety.<br />

brev-, brevi- Latin brevis, short.<br />

brevialatus -a -um breviala'tus (brev-ee-a-LAY-tus)<br />

brevibracteatus -a -um brevibractea'tus (brev-ee-brak-tee-AY-tus)

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