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N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery


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parryi par'ryi (PARE-ee-eye) for Dr. Charles Christopher Parry,1823-1890), English-born American botanist<br />

and botanical collector<br />

pars, -pars Latin a part<br />

parsi Latin few, sparing<br />

parthen-, partheno- Greek a virgin; <strong>with</strong>out fertilization<br />

parthen- referring to a virgin, i.e., asexual reproduction<br />

Parthenice No etymology given in protologue; referring to some similarities to members of genus<br />

Parthenium<br />

partenicon Artemisia scoparia<br />

parthenioides resembling Bastard Feverfew, Parthenium.<br />

Parthenium Parthe'nium (par-THEE-nee-um) New Latin, from the ancient Greek name of a plant, parthenion,<br />

possibly feverfew, from neuter of parthenios maidenly, from παρθένος, parthenos maiden, virgin, in reference to<br />

the white flowers, or in reference to its medicinal efficacy (?). (Compositae)<br />

Parthenocissus (par-then-o-KIS-us) virgin’s ivy, or virgin’s vine, from Greek παρθένος, parthenos, a virgin<br />

and Latin cissos, cissi, from Greek κισσός, kissos, ivy, from the common name, Virginia Creeper. Virginia<br />

was named after Queen Elizabeth I, the virgin queen. (Vitaceae)<br />

parthia dog's-tooth grass, from Dacian.<br />

parti Latin a part<br />

parti Latin partly<br />

partialis -is -e secondary, partly<br />

partibilis easily separable<br />

partit Latin divided<br />

partitus parted, cleft, but not quite to the base.<br />

partur, parturi Latin bring forth young, give birth to<br />

parul Latin a little titmouse<br />

parum to little<br />

parus, -parus Latin a titmouse<br />

pavia (PAH-ve-a) after Peter Paaw, (Latinized Petrus Pavius), Dutch botanist, died 1616.<br />

parv-, parv-, parvi Latin for small, from classical Latin parvi-, combining form of parvus small, of the the<br />

same Indo-European base as ancient Greek pauros, παῦρος, little.<br />

parviceps small-headed<br />

parviflorus -a -um parviflor'us (par-vi-FLOR-us) <strong>with</strong> small flowers, or having flowers smaller than the type,<br />

from parvus -a -um, small, little, insignificant, -i-, and scientific Latin -florus, from floreo, florere, florui, flourish,<br />

blossom, be prosperous; be in one's prime.<br />

parvifolius -a -um parvifo'lius (par-vi-FO-lee-us) <strong>with</strong> small leaves, or having leaves smaller than an allied<br />

species.<br />

parvilobus <strong>with</strong> small lobes in comparison to the type or other related species.<br />

parvimammus having small warts or nipples.<br />

parvisetus <strong>with</strong> small bristles.<br />

parvissimus -a -um very small<br />

parvulus, parvula, parvulum small, somewhat small, very small.<br />

parvus -a -um small, from Latin adjective parvus, parva -um, minor -or -us, minimus -a -um, small, little,<br />

cheap; unimportant; superlative smallest, least.<br />

paryph-, parypha-, parypho- Greek a border<br />

pas, pasi Greek all<br />

pasc-, pascu-, pascuus, -pascuus, pascuum Latin feed, from pasco, pascere, pavi, pastus, Latin verb, feed,<br />

feed on; graze; or a pasture, from pascua, pascuae f., pascuum, pascui, n., pasture, pasture-land; piece of<br />

grazing land.<br />

Pascalia for D. B. Pascal, French/Italian physician/botanist, once director of royal garden at Parma<br />

pascanus from Pascan, Mexico.<br />

paschalis -is -e pertaining to the Pascha, the Jewish Passover, or a reference to Easter, from paschalis -is -e,<br />

Latin adjective, of Easter; Paschal; of Passover, from Pascha, Paschae, f., Passover; Easter.<br />

paspal Greek a kind of millet; fine meal<br />

Paspalum Pas'paluu (PAS-pa-lum) New Latin, from Greek πασπαλος, paspalos, millet, for the resemblance of<br />

the seeds; probably akin to Greek pale, fine meal, dust, from which is derived the word pollen. (Gramineae)<br />

passalus a united calyx.

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