N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery


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Psilostrophe Psilos'trophe (sy-LOS-tro-fee) from “Greek psilo-, bare, and strophe, turn; perhaps referring to<br />

epaleate receptacles, which differ from paleate receptacles in Parthenium, to which de Candolle compared<br />

Psilostrophe” (fna)<br />

Psilotaceae plants of the Psilotum family, from the genus name, Psilotum, and -aceae, the standardized Latin<br />

suffix of plant family names; from Greek ψιλός-, psilos-, naked, empty, and .<br />

Psilotum from Greek ψιλός-, psilos-, naked, empty, referring to the plant's leafless aerial shoots,<br />

psit- referring to a parrot<br />

psithyr, psithyro Greek whispering<br />

psitt, psittac, psittacus, psittacus Greek a parrot<br />

psittacinus parrot-like, of or like parrots, parrot-colored.<br />

psoa, -psoa Greek the loin; a muscle of the loin<br />

psoc Greek rub small<br />

psol, psolo Greek smoke, soot; one circumcised<br />

psom, psomo, psomus, -pomus Greek a morsel<br />

psoph, psopho, psophus, -psophus Greek a sound, noise<br />

psor-, psora, -psora, psori , psoro Greek itch; scabies<br />

psorale-, psoraleo Greek scurfy<br />

psoraleus -a -us, Psoralea leprous, scabby, or scaly, New Latin, from Greek ψωρᾶλεος, psoraleos, scabby,<br />

itchy, from psora itch, an allusion to the glandular dots. (Leguminosae)<br />

Psoralidium small Psoralea, New Latin, from the genus name Psoralea meaning scabby, itchy, and -idius,<br />

small, from post-classical Latin and scientific Latin -idium and its etymon ancient Greek -ίδιον, -idion,<br />

diminutive suffix. (Leguminosae)<br />

psoralioides<br />

Psorothamnus Psorotham'nus (soar-oh-THAM-nus)<br />

psych, psyche, -psyche, psychi, psycho Greek the soul, mind; cold; a butterfly<br />

psychichilae physche-loving, plants fertilized by butterflies.<br />

psychodes fragrant<br />

psychr, psychro Greek cold<br />

psychrophilus cold-loving.<br />

psydra, psydrac, psydrax, -psydrax Greek a pimple, blister<br />

psygm, psygma, -psygma, psygmato, psygmo Greek anything that cools; chilliness<br />

psyll, psylla, -psylla, psylli, psyllo Greek a flea<br />

psyllophorus flea-bearing.<br />

psyllium flea-wort, plantain, Plantago Psyllium.<br />

psyxi, psyxis, -psyxis Greek a cooling<br />

ptaer, ptaero Greek sneeze<br />

ptarm-, ptarmic, ptarmo Greek sneezing, causing to sneeze<br />

Ptarmica, ptarmica from Greek ptario to sneeze; also from post-classical Latin ptarmica sneezewort (1561<br />

or earlier), from Hellenistic Greek πταρµική, ptarmike, in same sense, use as noun of feminine of πταρµικός,<br />

ptarmikos. Later adopted as a specific epithet in the genus Achillea (Linnaeus Species plantarum (1753).<br />

(OED) (Compositae)<br />

ptarmicaefolius ptarmica-leaved<br />

ptarmicoides ptarmica-like, for resemblance to Achillea Ptarmica, sneezewort, from a Greek name for the<br />

same plant which caused sneezing, and was used for snuff, the sniffed, not smokeless tobacco kind, and from<br />

classical and post-classical Latin oīdēs, a suffix indicating having the form or likeness of, resemble.<br />

ptarmicus sneeze-inducing, causing sneezing.<br />

ptele, ptelea, -ptelea, pteleo Greek the elm<br />

Ptelea (TEL-ee-a) Greek πτελέα, ptelea, name for an elm, used by Dioscorides, the fruits or samaras are<br />

similar, the name possibly akin to Latin tilia linden.<br />

ptelea elm, a name used by Dioscorides.<br />

pten, pteno Greek feathered, winged<br />

pter-, ptero, pterum, -pterum, pter-, -pter(...) Greek a wing; a feather; a fin; referring to a wing or feather, or<br />

Greek for a fern, in reference to the feathery appearance of some fern fronds. From Hellenistic Greek πτεριδ,<br />

πτερίς, pterid-, pteris, fern, akin to Greek πτερον, πτερυξ, pteron, pteryx, feather, wing.<br />

pteranthes winged flower, from Hellenistic Greek πτεριδ, πτερίς, pterid-, pteris, wing and<br />

pteri-, pterido-, pteris, -pteris Greek a fern, from Hellenistic Greek πτεριδ, πτερίς, pterid-, pteris, wing and

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