N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery


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clavicul-, clavicula, -clavicula Latin a key<br />

claviculatus, clavellatus shaped like a small club or nail; <strong>with</strong> forked tendrils, from clāvicula, a small key,<br />

tendril, bar or bolt of a door, diminutive of Latin clāvis, key<br />

clavifolius <strong>with</strong> club-like leaves<br />

claviformis -is -e clavifor'mis (kla-vi-FOR-mis) club-shaped, from clāva, f. a club (a doubtful Latin use)<br />

clavigerus bearing clubs<br />

clavipes <strong>with</strong> club-like stalks, club footed<br />

clavunculus feeler like<br />

clavus, -clavus Latin a band on a tunic; a swelling, wart<br />

clavus club, from Latin clāva, f. a club<br />

Claydonia<br />

Claytonia, claytonii Clayton'ia (klay-TONE-ee-a, or klay-TON-ee-ah) (klay-TON-ee-eye) New Latin, from John<br />

Clayton (1686-1773) one of the earliest Virginia botanists and a physician and New Latin -ia. (Portulacaceae)<br />

cleid-, cleido, cleidus, -cleidus Greek a key; the clavicle<br />

cleis-, cleisis, cleist-, cleisto Greek close; closing; closed<br />

Cleistes Greek kleistos, closed, referring to lip and petals that diverge only near apex, forming tube for most<br />

of their length, the flower thus appearing closed<br />

Cleistocactus closed cactus<br />

Cleistocarpidium from Greek kleistos, unopened, and karpos, fruit, referring to the indehiscent capsule<br />

<strong>with</strong>out operculum<br />

cleistogamus <strong>with</strong> closed flowers (<strong>with</strong> closed fertilization)<br />

Cleisostoma closed mouth, referring to the flower shape<br />

cleithr-, cleithrum, -cleithrum Greek a bar, key, bolt<br />

clelandii for Ralph Erskine Cleland, 1892-1971, American botanist who studied Oenothera genetics.<br />

clem-, clema-, -clema, clemat-, clematis, -clematis Greek a vine cutting, twig, brushwood<br />

clematideus, clematidëus like clematis, resembling Clematis<br />

Clematis Clem'atis (KLEM-at-is or KLEM-a-tis A frequent mispronunciation is cleˈmātis.) New Latin, from<br />

Latin, Clēmatis, periwinkle, from Greek κληµατίς, klematis, a name for a climbing or trailing plant, possibly<br />

periwinkle, brushwood, long, lithe branches, clematis, from klemat-, klema twig; or κλὴµα, κλῆµα, klema, a vinebranch<br />

or tendril; akin to Greek klan to break, similar to Greek klados sprout, twig, branch. (Ranunculaceae)<br />

clemen-, clemens, -clemens, clement Latin tranquil<br />

clementinus -a -um clementi'nus (klem-en-TIE-nus)<br />

clemma, -clemma, clemmato Greek a theft, trick<br />

clemmy-, clemmys Greek a turtle<br />

cleo-, cleoto Greek glory; news<br />

Cleome Cleo'me (klay-O-mee, or klee-OH-me) Derivation uncertain, possibly from Greek kleos, glory or from<br />

the ancient name of some mustard-like plant. (Capparaceae formerly Capparidaceae)<br />

Cleomella Cleomel'la (klee-oh-MEL-la)<br />

clep-, cleps, clept Greek steal; a thief<br />

clepsydr-, clepsydra Greek a water clock<br />

cler-, cleri, clero, clerus, -clerus Greek a lot, portion; a kind of insect<br />

-cles m. Greek suffix indicating honor or renown, the abundance of a particular quality used <strong>with</strong> a noun or<br />

adjectival base. Often part of a personal name, as Pericles, Heracles.<br />

clethr-, clethrum Greek a key, bar, bolt<br />

clethra Greek the alder<br />

Clethra (KLETH-ra) from the Greek klethra, alder.<br />

Clethraceae plants of the White-Alder family, from the genus name, Clethra, and -aceae, the standardized Latin<br />

suffix of plant family names.<br />

clethroides clethra-like<br />

clevelandii cleve'landii (KLEEV-land-ee-eye)<br />

clid-, clido, clidus, -clidus Greek a key<br />

clima-, climac, climax, -climax Greek a ladder<br />

clima-, -clima, climato Greek a region; the climate; a slope<br />

clin-, clina, -clina, clini, clino Greek a bed<br />

clin, clino Greek bend, slope, from κλιν-, klin-, sloping, inclining<br />

clin- inclined

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