N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery


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placentiformis quoit-shaped, cake-shaped, or disc-shaped, similar to a sporangium-bearing surface?????,<br />

from New Latin, from Latin, flat cake, from Greek plakoenta, accusative of plakoeis, from plak-, plax, a flat<br />

surface. A quoit is a flattened ring of iron or circle of rope used in a throwing game.<br />

placens cake-like, from plakus, a small cake.<br />

placid Latin smooth, pleasing<br />

placidus welcome, agreeable.<br />

placin, placino Greek made of boards<br />

placitus agreeable, pleasing.<br />

placo Greek a tablet, plate; flat<br />

pladar, pladaro Greek wet, damp<br />

plag, plaga, -plaga Latin a blow, stripe; a region, zone; a snare<br />

plag- referring to an oblique angle, sidew ays<br />

plagat Latin streaked, striped<br />

plagatus as if injured by blows.<br />

plagi-, plagio- Greek oblique, sideways; the sides<br />

plagia-, plagiar, plagiart Latin a kidnapper<br />

Plagianthus flowers at an angle, from , and ἄνθος, anthos, flower.<br />

Plagiobothrys Plagioboth'rys (pla-jee-oh-BAH-thris)<br />

plagiophyllus <strong>with</strong> oblique leaves.<br />

plagiopterus <strong>with</strong> oblique wings.<br />

plagiostephanus <strong>with</strong> an oblique wreath or an oblique crown.<br />

plagiotomus -a -um plagioto'mus (pla-jee-oh-TOE-mus)<br />

plan, plan-, plani Latin flat, level<br />

plan, plano Greek wandering<br />

plancus <strong>with</strong> broad foot-stalk or base.<br />

plane, planes, planet, planets, -planetes Greek a wanderer; rover<br />

plane plainly, distinctly<br />

Planera for Johann Planer 1743-1789????<br />

planatoides platanus-like, from platanus for the genus Platanus the plane tree, and oides for like, similar<br />

planatus<br />

planicaulis <strong>with</strong> flat stalks, from , and Latin noun caulis, caulis m., from the Greek καυλος, kaulos, the<br />

stem or stalk of a plant; usual spelling was colis or coles, or kaulos, the shaft.<br />

planiceps <strong>with</strong> a flat head.<br />

planiculmis <strong>with</strong> flat holm (?) (but holm refers to holly or holm-oak).<br />

planiflorus flat-flowered, bearing flat, horizontal flowers.<br />

planifolius -a -um planifo'lius (plan-i-FOE-lee-us) flat-leaved, <strong>with</strong> flat, horizontal leaves.<br />

planifrons <strong>with</strong> horizontal foliage.<br />

planiglumis <strong>with</strong> flat glumes.<br />

planilabrus <strong>with</strong> flat lips.<br />

planinervus <strong>with</strong> flat nerves or flat veins.<br />

planipes flat foot or stalk, <strong>with</strong> a flat stalk or foot<br />

planiscapus <strong>with</strong> a flat or even scape (leafless stem)<br />

planisiliquus bearing flat pods.<br />

planispicatus flat-spiked<br />

planiusculus somewhat flat.<br />

plankt, plankto Greek wandering<br />

plant, planta, -planta, planti Latin the sole of the foot; a plant<br />

plantag, plantagin, plantago Latin plantain<br />

Plantaginaceae Plantagina'ceae (plan-taj-in-AY-see-ee) plants of the Plantain family, from the genus name,<br />

Plantago, and -aceae, the standardized Latin suffix of plant family names.<br />

plantagineus -a -um plantain-like, like Plantago, from Plantago and -ineus, denoting a close resemblance,<br />

for the plantain-like leaves<br />

plantaginifolius -a -um plantain-leafed, from Latin Plantago, plantain , and folium, foli(i), n., a leaf.<br />

Plantago Planta'go (plan-TAY-go) New Latin Plantagin-,; foot-sole-like, feminine termination of planta, from<br />

classical Latin plataginem, for the way the leaves of some species lie flat on the ground, cognate (?) <strong>with</strong> French<br />


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