N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery


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demissus -a -um demis'sus (deh-MIS-sus, classically day-MIS-sus) low, weak; hanging down, drooping, lowered,<br />

from Latin dēmissus, let down, lowered, sunken, downcast, past participle of dēmittĕre, to demit.<br />

demn Greek a bed<br />

demono Latin an evil spirit<br />

demum at length<br />

dendr-, dendro, dendron, dendrum, -dendron Greek a tree, referring to a tree, from δένδρον, dendron.<br />

dendricolus tree-loving<br />

Dendrobium Modern Latin from Greek δένδρον, dendron, tree, and βίος, bios, life, in reference to this<br />

orchid genus being an arboreal epiphyte.<br />

Dendrocalamus tree and reed, the great giant tropical bamboo genus<br />

dendroideus -a -um dendroid'eus (den-dro-ID-ee-us) tree- or shrub-like<br />

Dendrolíbano, dentrolíbano Greek δενδρολίβανο, δεντρολίβανο, dendronlibano, dentrolibano, rosemary.<br />

Dendromecon Dendrome'con (den-dro-MEE-kon) Greek dendron, tree, and mekon, poppy<br />

dendromorphus in the form of a tree<br />

Dendrophylax Greek dendro, tree, and phylax, epiphyte or guardian, in reference to the epiphytic habit<br />

denigratus blackened<br />

deni by tens, ten together<br />

denique lastly<br />

Dennstaedtia Dennstae'dtia (denn-staad' tee-ah) honoring after A. W. Dennstaedt (1776-1826), German<br />

botanist.<br />

Dennstaedtiaceae Dennstaedtia'ceae (denn-staad' tee-, den-staad-tee-AY-see-ee, or den-steed-tee-AY-see-ee),<br />

from the genus name, Dennstaedtia, and -aceae, the standardized Latin suffix of plant family names.<br />

dens Latin thick; a tooth (used in compound words)<br />

dens-canis dog’s tooth<br />

densatus -a -um dense, compact<br />

densicomis -is -e densely tufted, crested(?)<br />

densiflorus -a -um densiflor'us (den-si-FLOR-us) densely flowered, densely covered <strong>with</strong> flowers<br />

densifolius -is -e densifo'lius (den-si-FO-lee-us) densely leaved, densely covered <strong>with</strong> leaves<br />

dense thickly, closely<br />

densus -a -um den'sus (DEN-sus) dense, crowded together.<br />

dent-, denti, dento Latin a tooth, referring to a tooth<br />

dentat- Latin toothed<br />

Dentaria feminine singular of Latin dentarius, pertaining to the teeth, from dens, a tooth, referring to the<br />

tooth-like scales or projections on the roots of the plant. Cardamine is sometimes lumped into this genus, as<br />

this is sometimes lumped into Cardamine. (Cruciferae)<br />

dentatus -a -um toothed, toothed like saw teeth, from Latin adjective dentātus, toothed.<br />

denticulatus -a -um denticula'tus (den-tik-yoo-LAY-tus) toothed, minutely or slightly toothed, <strong>with</strong> small teeth<br />

denticulosus toothed, minutely toothed<br />

dentiferus, dentifera tooth-bearing<br />

dentosus toothed<br />

denudatus -a -um denuda'tus (den-yoo-DAY-tus check this one!) naked, stripped, bare, denuded, as in stripped of<br />

leaves<br />

deo Latin a god<br />

Deo volente God willing.<br />

Deodara God’s tree, the Sacred fig-tree, Ficus religiosa.<br />

deon-, deonto Greek necessity, duty<br />

deorsum downward (opposite to sursum)<br />

Deparia Greek depas, saucer, referring to the saucer-like indusium or covering of the type species, Deparia<br />

prolifera, which is aberrant in the genus<br />

depas-, -depas, depastr- Greek a cup, goblet, beaker<br />

depastus as if eaten off<br />

depauperatus -a -um depaupera'tus (de-paw-per-AY-tus) starved, dwarfed, impoverished as if starved, sparsely<br />

blooming<br />

dependens hanging down<br />

deph-, depho- Greek knead<br />

depilatus hairless

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