N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery


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Stanleya Stan'leya (STAN-lee-a)<br />

standleyanum after Paul Carpenter Standley (1884-1963<br />

stann-, -stanni, stanum, -stanum Latin tin<br />

stans stans (STANS) standing, upright, erect.<br />

stansburyanus -a -um stansburya'nus (stans-bur-ee-AY-nus)<br />

stansburyi stans'buryi (STANS-bur-ee-eye)<br />

stape-, stapedi, stapes, -stapes Late Latin a stirrup; the stapes, a bone in the ear<br />

stapeliiflorus <strong>with</strong> flowers lke Carrion-flower, Stapelia.<br />

stapeliiformis resembling Carrion-Flower in growth or habit.<br />

staphi, staphis, -staphis Greek a raisin<br />

staphisagria of sharp taste.<br />

-staphy(...) referring to a cluster of grapes<br />

staphyl, staphyla, -staphyla, staphylo Greek a bunch of grapes, a cluster; the uvula<br />

Staphylea (sta-FI-lee-a) from Greek staphylē, a cluster, a bunch of grapes, for the infrucescence.<br />

(Staphyleaceae, formerly Sapindaceae)<br />

Staphyleaceae Staphylea'ceae (sta-fie-lee-AY-see-ee), from the genus name, Staphylea, and -aceae, the<br />

standardized Latin suffix of plant family names.<br />

staphylin-, staphylinus, syaphylinus Greek a kind of insect<br />

starn Middle English a kind of bird<br />

stas, stasi, stasis, -stasis Greek standing, posture<br />

stat, stati, stato Greek standing, placed<br />

static, statice, statice, statico Greek an astringent herb<br />

staticiformis resembling Sea Lavendar, Statice.<br />

staticoides statico'ides (sta-ti-KO-i-dees)<br />

statim immediately, at once<br />

staur-, stauro, staurus, -staurus Greek a cross<br />

stauracanthus <strong>with</strong> spines cross-shaped, <strong>with</strong> cross thorns, from Greek and ακανθος, akanthos, spiny,<br />

thorny.<br />

staurophyllus having cruciate leaves, i.e. arranged crosswise.<br />

staxi, staxis, -staxis Greek a dropping<br />

stea-, stear, -stear, staet, steato Greek fat, suet, tallow.<br />

Stebbinsoseris Stebbinso'seris (steb-in-SO-ser-is) for G. Ledyard Stebbins (1906–2000), California botanist<br />

stechi, stechio Greek an element<br />

steelei<br />

steg, stegan, stegano, stegno, stego Greek a cover, roof; covered<br />

Steinchisma from the Greek steinos, narrow, and chasma, yawning, possibly refering to the gaping glumes<br />

and somewhat narrow spikelet when compared to Panicum<br />

steir, steiro Greek sterile; a keel<br />

stel, stela, stela, stelid, stelo Greek a pillar<br />

stele, stelo Greek a handle<br />

stelgi, stelgido, stelgis, -stelgis Greek a scraper<br />

stell, stell-, stella, -stella, stelli, stello Latin a star, referring to a star<br />

stella de oro Italian cv. gold star<br />

stellapilis covered <strong>with</strong> star-like clusters of hair.<br />

Stellaria Stellar'ia (stel-AIR-ee-a) New Latin, from Latin stella, stellae, star and New Latin -aria, a possible<br />

reference to the stellate or star-like shape of the flowers. (Caryophyllaceae)<br />

stellaris -is -e starry, star spangled, star-like, <strong>with</strong> spreading leaves or petals arranged in a star-shaped<br />

fashion, from stella, star, and -aris adjectival suffix, a variant of -alis used after stems ending in l.<br />

stellatifolius <strong>with</strong> star-shaped leaves like Woodruff.<br />

stellatus -a -um stella'tus (stel-LAY-tus) New Latin stellate, starry, star-shaped, star-like, or radiating like the<br />

points of a star, from Latin stellatus -a -um, starry; set <strong>with</strong> stars; sparkling, glittering; shaped like a star or "X".<br />

stelleri, stellerianus, stelleriana for Georg Wilhelm Steller (1709-1746), German naturalist, botanist, zoologist,<br />

physician, and explorer who worked in Russia and Alaska.<br />

stelliferus star-bearing, star producing.<br />

stelliformis <strong>with</strong> the form of a star, star-bearing, star producing.<br />

stelligerus star-bearing, star producing.

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