N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery


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pelv-, pelveo, pelvi, pelvio Latin a basin; the pelvis<br />

pelviformis pelvis-shaped, basin-shaped, from Latin pelvis, a basin<br />

pely, pelyco, pelyx, -pelyx Greek a basin; the pelvis<br />

pempemthar vervain, from Egyptian.<br />

pempheri, pempheris, -phempheris Greek a kind of fish<br />

pemphi, pemphig, pemphix Greek a blister, pimple<br />

pemphredon, pemphredon Greek a kind of wasp<br />

pen, pene Latin almost, nearly<br />

Peneacaceae plants of the Penea family, small evergreen South African shrubs, from the genus name, Penea, and<br />

-aceae, the standardized Latin suffix of plant family names.<br />

penangensis, penangianus from the Isle of Penang.<br />

pench French incline<br />

pend, pendan, penden, pendul Latin hang, hanging<br />

pendens hanging vertically downard.<br />

pendiculatus drooping, hanging slightly down.<br />

pendul- referring to an earring, hanging, drooping<br />

penduliferus -a -um pendulif'erus (pen-dew-LI-fer-us)<br />

penduliflorus pendulus-flowered<br />

pendulinus hanging down very much.<br />

pendulus -a -um pendulous, hanging, hanging down as through weakness of the stem, from Latin pendulus,<br />

hanging, in suspense, undecided, from pendēre, to hang, to suspend and -ulus -a -um, Latin adjectival<br />

diminutive suffix indicating a tendency or an action, akin to Latin pendere to weigh, estimate, pay, pondus<br />

weight, pound.<br />

pene-, penes, penest, penet Greek a laborer<br />

penelope mythology the wife of Ulysses<br />

penetr- Latin enter, pierce<br />

peni-, penis, -penis Latin the penis<br />

penichr-, penichro Greek poor, needy<br />

penicill-, penicillum, -penicillum Latin a pencil, brush<br />

penicillaris -is -e <strong>with</strong> a paintbrush-like tuft of hair<br />

penicillatus -a -um penicilla'tus (pen-i-sil-AY-tus) a little tail, an artists brush or pencil, style, brush-like,<br />

bordered or tipped <strong>with</strong> brush-like tufts, from Latin pēnĭcillus brush and -atus –ate. Bailey has this as “hairpenciled”.<br />

penicilliformis -is -e brush-like, bordered or tipped <strong>with</strong> brush-like tufts.<br />

Peniocereus Greek penios, thread, and Cereus, a genus of cacti<br />

peninsularis -is -e peninsula'ris, peninsula're (pen-in-soo-LARE-is, pen-in-soo-LARE-ee) peninsular<br />

penit Latin inner, from the inside<br />

penitus inwardly<br />

penn, penn-, penna, -penna, pennati, penni Latin a feather; a wing; feathered, referring to a feather, from<br />

Latin penna, a feather, a wing<br />

pennate feathered (used of leaves)<br />

pennatifidus feather-cleft.<br />

pennatifolius <strong>with</strong> feathery, pinnate leaves.<br />

pennatulus slightly feathery.<br />

pennatus feathered, feather-like, pinnate, from Latin pennatus, feathered, winged<br />

pennigerus, pennigera bearing feathers, feathered, plumed, pinnate, from Latin penniger, feathered, winged.<br />

penninervis, penninervus feather-veined, when the veins of a leaf run straight from the mid-rib to the margin.<br />

Pennisetum Pennise'tum (pen-i-SEE-tum) from Latin penna, feather, and seta, bristle<br />

pennula a small feather.<br />

pens, pensa Latin weigh<br />

pensil Latin hang, hanging<br />

pensilis pensile, hanging, suspended.<br />

Penstemon Pen'stemon (PEN-ste-mon or pen-STAY-mon) from Greek pente, penta, five and stēmōn, warp,<br />

thread, or a stamen, for the 5 stamens, or a reference to the fifth stamen, the staminode. Stamen is akin to Old Irish<br />

sessam act of standing, Sanskrit sthāman station, Greek histanai to cause to stand; basic meaning: standing upright.

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