N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery


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gomphococcus club-berry<br />

gompholobium <strong>with</strong> club-like pods.<br />

gomphospermus <strong>with</strong> club-like seeds or spores. (seen as “pores”)<br />

Gomphrena Latin gromphaena, a type of amaranth<br />

gomphrenoides resembling Globe Amaranth, Gomphrena.<br />

-gon(...) referring to an angle<br />

gon, gone, gonidi, gono, gony Greek seed, generation, offspring<br />

gon, goni, gonia, gonio Greek an angle<br />

gon-, gony Greek the knee<br />

gonacanthus having knee-shaped thorns, from Greek gonu, knee, and ακανθος, akanthos, spiny, thorny..<br />

gonato- Greek the knee<br />

gonatodes knee-shaped.<br />

gone Greek seed, generation, offspring<br />

Goniopterus angle-winged<br />

gongyl-, gongylo Greek round<br />

gongyl- rounded, swollen<br />

gongylocarpus having round knob-like fruit, from and Greek καρπός, karpos, fruit. (as also in thalus of<br />

Lichens).<br />

gongyloides roundish, swollen<br />

gongylodes <strong>with</strong> round deciduous body, as in some seaweeds.<br />

goni, goni-, gonia, -gonia, gonio Greek seed; an angle, corner, referring to an angle<br />

goniatus -a -um angled, cornered, Greek γωνία, gonia, angle,, and -atus, Latin suffix indicating possession,<br />

likeness of, or ‘provided <strong>with</strong>’.<br />

gonidi Greek seed; reproductive organ<br />

gonim, gonimo Greek productive<br />

goniocalyx, goniocalycus <strong>with</strong> a cornered calyx, having a many sided or fluted calyx.<br />

goniocaulis -is -e <strong>with</strong> many sided or fluted stalk, from , and Latin caulis, caulis, a stem, a stalk, from<br />

Greek καυλος, kaulos, stem, stalk.<br />

goniodacanthus <strong>with</strong> many sided or fluted thorns, from Greek and ακανθος, akanthos, spiny, thorny.<br />

gono- Greek generation, offspring; seed; reproductive organ; the knee<br />

gonocladus having many sided boughs.<br />

gonospermus <strong>with</strong> many sided seeds or spores.<br />

-gony Greek seed; reproduction<br />

gony, gonyo Greek the knee<br />

gooddingii goodding'ii (good-DING-gee-eye)<br />

Goodeniaceae plants of the Goodenia family, after Dr. Sam Goodenough, from the genus name, Goodenia, and -<br />

aceae, the standardized Latin suffix of plant family names.<br />

Goodmania for George Jones Goodman (1904-1999), authority on Chorizanthe<br />

goodmaniana goodmania'na (good-man-ee-AY-na)<br />

Goodyera John Goodyer (1592-1664), English (British?) botanist.<br />

goramensis from the island of Goram in the Malay Archipelago.<br />

gordi- Greek mythology a kind of knot, the Gordian knot.<br />

Gordonia in honor of James Gordon, distinguished nurseryman of London. (Camelliaceae)<br />

gorg- French the throat<br />

gorg-, gorgo Greek grim, fierce<br />

gorgonensis -is -e from the island of Gorgona in Central America.<br />

gorgoneus -a -um from the island of Gorgona in Italy, Ligorno province.<br />

gorgonias Medusa-like, a head having serpents for hair.<br />

Goshiki Japanese cv. five-colored<br />

gossyp- referring to the genus Gossypium, the cotton plant<br />

gossypi-, gossypium, -gossypium Latin cotton<br />

Gossypianthus Latin gossypion, cotton, and Greek ἀνθεµον, n. anthemon, flower, presumably in reference to<br />

the villous tepals<br />

Gossypium New Latin, from Latin gossypion cotton; alternately said to be from Arabic goz, a silky<br />

substance. (Malvaceae)<br />

gossypifolium cotton plant leaf

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