N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery

N with malus towards none - Genesis Nursery


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auricularis -is -e lobed like an ear, <strong>with</strong> lobes, from Latin auris, auricula.<br />

auricula-ursofolius, auriculae-ursifolius from Latin auricula ursi, bear’s ear, Clusius’ name, for the leaves<br />

of Primula auricula, from , and folium, foli(i), n., noun, a leaf.<br />

auriferus having ears (?), compare Latin aurifer, aurifera, auriferum, gold-bearing, producing/yielding gold<br />

(mine/country); bearing golden fruit<br />

auriga Latin auriga, aurigae m., charioteer, driver, groom, ostler, helmsman; the constellation Waggooner.<br />

aurigeranus -a -um from Ariège, France, from Latin place name Aurigera. One source has this as from the<br />

Latin verb regare' meaning to irrigate. More likely, it means gold-bearing, as gold and silver placer deposits<br />

were near Aurigera.<br />

Aurina of the breeze, from Greek αυρα, αυρη, aura, aure, Latin aura, aurae, a term for plants of montane<br />

crags.<br />

Auriscalpum ear-pick, from Latin auriscalpium, auriscalpii, ear pick, a medical instrument, for the tapered<br />

stipe being inserted laterally on the somewhat ear-shaped cap.<br />

aurisetus <strong>with</strong> golden bristles<br />

aurit-, auritud- Latin auritus -a -um, long-eared, eared; <strong>with</strong> large ears; hearing well.<br />

auritextus -a -um cloth of gold, woven from gold, from Latin aureus and texo, texere, texui, textum, to<br />

weave, to twine together.<br />

auritus -a -um auri'tus (aur-I-tus) <strong>with</strong> ears, long-eared, <strong>with</strong> long ears, from Latin auris, auris n., ear; hearing; a<br />

discriminating sense of hearing.<br />

auro Latin air (?)<br />

auror-, aurora, -aurora Latin aurora, dawn.<br />

aurorius -a -um of dawn, daybreak, morning; orange, like the rising sun, from Latin aurora, aurorae, f.,<br />

dawn, daybreak, sunrise.<br />

aurosus, -a -um golden, like gold; of day-break, of sunrise, from Latin aurora, aurorae, f., dawn, daybreak,<br />

sunrise.<br />

aurugino; also auruginosus suffer from jaundice<br />

aurum Latin aurum, gold.<br />

auscult-, ausculta Latin auscultare, to hear attentively, listen to.<br />

auster-, austerus Latin austerus, harsh, rough, stern, gloomy; harsh, tart, sour (as in the taste of a sloe).<br />

auster Latin auster, the south wind.<br />

austinii au'stinii (AWE-stin-ee-eye)<br />

austr-, australi- Latin australis, southern.<br />

austr- southern, Australian<br />

australasiae botanical Latin, of southern Asia.<br />

australasicus -a -um botanical Latin, Australian, south Asiatic.<br />

australiensis -is -e of or from Australia, of Australian origin<br />

australis -is -e austra'lis (ow-STRAH-lis, aw-STRAY-lis) southern, of or from the southern hemishpere, from the<br />

Latin australis southern.<br />

austeralis, austeralis f., Latin a plant usually called sisymbrium.<br />

austeralis bergamot mint<br />

austriacus -a -um Austrian, of Austrian origin, derived from German Oesterreich, eastern kingdom.<br />

austrinus -a -um southern, of the south, from Latin australis -is -e, southern.<br />

austro- southern, from Latin australis, austro-.<br />

North America).<br />

austroafricanus -a -um botanical Latin, from southern Africa.<br />

austroalpinus -a -um from the southern Alps, from Latin austro- and alpinus.<br />

austrocedrus southern cedar, from Latin australis and Cedrus.<br />

austro-caledonicus from New Caledonia<br />

austromontanus -a -um austromonta'nus (aw-stro-mon-TAY-nus) from southern mountains, from Latin austromontanus<br />

(referring to the mountains of austro-occidentalis south-western<br />

aut-, auto- Greek αυτος, αυτο-, autos, auto-, self-, alone-, the same-.<br />

autochthonus -a -um not introduced, indigenous, from Greek αυτοχθων, autochthon.<br />

autogenes narcissus<br />

autumn, autumnali-, autumnale Latin autumnus, autumn, autumnal.

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