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4.4.1 Modelling of Joints<br />

For a hinge joint, which is probably the widest used joint on service robots, the state vector x for a<br />

simple model can be defined as<br />

[ s<br />

x =<br />

v]<br />

where<br />

s = angle of the joint<br />

v = angle velocity of the joint<br />

Further the acceleration as well as the change in acceleration could be added to the state vector as<br />

further elements. This, of course would built an even more accurate model for propagating the state<br />

vector. In the described case the matrix A can be determined out of the formulas for mapping s and<br />

v from time step k to k + 1. If the angular velocity is considered as constant and the time which past<br />

between time step k and k + 1 as T , the following equations can be formulated:<br />

s k+1 = s k + T · v k<br />

v k+1 = v k<br />

Out of these equations it is easy to determine the matrix A as<br />

[ ] 1 T<br />

A =<br />

0 1<br />

Further the covariance matrix P which represents the uncertainty, can be built out of the single variances<br />

σs 2 and σv. 2 It is well know that the diagonal of the covariance matrix contains the variance of<br />

each single variable, thus<br />

[ ] σ<br />

2<br />

P = s 0<br />

0 σv<br />

2<br />

In the simplest case where no additional noise nor control input exists the Equations 4.1 and 4.2 for<br />

propagating the state vector x and covariance P can be written as<br />

[ ] [ ] 1 T sk<br />

x k+1 =<br />

0 1 v k<br />

[ ] [ ] [ ]<br />

1 T σ<br />

2<br />

P k+1 =<br />

s 0 1 0<br />

0 1 0 σv<br />

2 T 1<br />

In contrast to the hinge joint which rotates about an axis, the prismatic joint moves along an single<br />

axis. Nevertheless the state vector stays the same with only the fact, that s is not representing the<br />

angle, but the position. Further v is not representing an angular velocity, but a normal velocity. The<br />

matrices A and P stay the same.<br />

4.4.2 Mapping Joint Models to Cartesian Coordinates<br />

The model for a hinge joint described in the previous section works in angular space and thus can not<br />

directly be used for frame transformations which are represented in 3D Cartesian space. Therefor the<br />

joint model has to be mapped to Cartesian space, which will be done in the following for hinge and<br />

prismatic joints. The other joints described in Section 3.1 but not handled here, can be mapped in a<br />

similar way.

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