The Group KD Group and KD Group dd

The Group KD Group and KD Group dd

The Group KD Group and KD Group dd


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>KD</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Annual Report 2009<br />

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements as at <strong>and</strong> for the year ended 31 December 2009<br />

2.11 Offsetting financial instruments<br />

Financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities are offset <strong>and</strong> the net amount reported in the balance sheet only when there is a legally<br />

enforceable right to offset the recognised amounts <strong>and</strong> there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset <strong>and</strong><br />

settle the liability simultaneously.<br />

2.12 Cash <strong>and</strong> cash equivalents<br />

Cash <strong>and</strong> cash equivalents include cash in h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> dem<strong>and</strong> deposits held with banks. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Group</strong> reports cash flows from<br />

operating activities using the indirect method, whereby profit or loss is restated for the effects of transactions of a non-cash<br />

nature, any deferrals or accruals of past or future operating cash receipts or payments, <strong>and</strong> items of income or expense<br />

associated with investing or financing cash flows.<br />

2.13 Share capital <strong>and</strong> dividend distribution<br />

Ordinary <strong>and</strong> preference shares are equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares or options or to<br />

the acquisition of a business are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds.<br />

Where the Company or another member of the <strong>Group</strong> purchases the Company's equity share capital, the consideration paid<br />

is deducted from total shareholders’ equity. Where such shares are subsequently sold or reissued, any consideration received<br />

is included in the shareholders’ equity.<br />

Dividends on ordinary <strong>and</strong> preference shares are recognised as a liability in the period in which they are approved by the<br />

Company's shareholders. Dividends for the year that are declared after the balance sheet date <strong>and</strong> before the financial<br />

statements are authorised for issue are disclosed in the subsequent events note (see Note 30).<br />

2.14 Insurance <strong>and</strong> investment contracts<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Group</strong> issues contracts that transfer insurance risk or financial risk, or both. Insurance contracts are those contracts that<br />

transfer significant insurance risk. Such contracts may also transfer financial risk. As a general guideline, the <strong>Group</strong> defines<br />

as significant insurance risk the possibility of having to pay benefits on the occurrence of an insured event that are at least<br />

10% above the benefits payable if the insured event did not occur.<br />

Investment contracts are those contracts that transfer financial risk with no significant insurance risk.<br />

Traditional life insurance contracts <strong>and</strong> investment contracts include the possibility of discretionary participation in the positive<br />

result realised through management of assets from said contracts (hereinafter: DPF). <strong>The</strong> possibility of discretionary<br />

participation is a contractual right to a<strong>dd</strong>itional benefits supplementary to guaranteed benefits, namely:<br />

- benefits which are likely to represent a significant share of the total contract benefits;<br />

- benefits whose amount or time frame is specified by the insurer; <strong>and</strong><br />

- benefits which are contractually based on:<br />

• the success of a given category of contracts or certain types of contracts;<br />

• realised <strong>and</strong>/or unrealised investment returns on a specific pool of assets held by the issuer; or<br />

• the profit of the company, cover of assurance or other entity that issues the contract.<br />

Traditional life insurance contracts with DPF <strong>and</strong> investment contracts with DPF contain an agreed insurance sum or annuity<br />

(calculated under the premise of achieving a certain rate of return on accumulated assets) <strong>and</strong> an a<strong>dd</strong>itional possibility of the<br />

insured’s participation in the <strong>Group</strong>’s realised profits in the segments of life insurance <strong>and</strong> annuity insurance at the end of the<br />

financial period <strong>and</strong>/or with regard to the profitability of assets if higher than the pre-calculated amounts. <strong>The</strong> basis for<br />

determining the amounts of discretionary participation of the insured <strong>and</strong> the percentage vary between individual insurance<br />

products <strong>and</strong> are defined in the insurance terms.<br />

Insurance <strong>and</strong> financial life insurance contracts are defined as contracts with DPF because the interest rate used at the time<br />

of preparing the product <strong>and</strong> calculating the agreed insurance sum or annuity was lower than the expectations at the time with<br />

regard to commercial interest rates. A<strong>dd</strong>itional benefits for the policyholder were expected at the stage of preparing the<br />

insurance product, which represents a discretionary right to a<strong>dd</strong>itional benefits.<br />


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