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<strong>Tornado</strong> 2.0<br />

User’s Guide<br />


While processing a wtxToolAttach( ) on a target server, the registry pings this target<br />

server. If the ping is unsuccessful (after 3 seconds of pending ping), the target server is<br />

considered to be not responding.<br />

While processing a wtxInfoQ(), the target servers that are not responding are pinged if<br />

the pingDelay has expired (see PING DELAY section).<br />

A not responding target server will be unregistered (and then considered to be dead) if it<br />

has been unsuccessfully pinged at least pingNumbers times AND if the time between the<br />

first and last unsuccessful ping time is at least equal to pingDelay*pingNnumbers. This is to<br />

avoid having a single failed ping lead to an unregistered target server.<br />

This mechanism is used to allow the <strong>Tornado</strong> tools to survive network latencies or short<br />

time failures.<br />



CAVEAT<br />


This delay (in seconds) can be specified through the -pd option, and its default value is set<br />

to 120. It specifies after how many seconds a target server that does not respond should be<br />

pinged again.<br />

In combination with the -pn option (see PING NUMBER section), this value sets the time<br />

after which a target server that does not respond is considered dead.<br />

See the EXAMPLE section for examples on how to use the -pd option.<br />

This number, set by the -pn option, fixes the number of times a target server that does not<br />

respond has to be unsuccessfully pinged to be considered dead.<br />

See the EXAMPLE section for examples on how to use the -pn option.<br />

WARNING: If either the pingDelay or pingNumbers variable is set to 0, the installation will<br />

not forgive any network latencies, and a target server could be unregistered just because<br />

the network was slow for a short time.<br />

The vertical tab character is not supported in any of the registry fields and should never<br />

be used.<br />

-d | -directory<br />

Specify the directory containing the registry database file.<br />

-h | -help<br />

Display a help message summarizing target-registry usage and options.<br />

-pd pingDelay<br />

Set the delay between two pings on a dead target server.<br />

-pn pingNumbers<br />

Set the number of failed pings before considering a target server dead.<br />


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