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2<br />

Setup and Startup<br />

a serial connection, try turning off periodic updates in the browser, or else closing<br />

any debugger displays you can spare.<br />

2<br />

Configuring the Target Agent for Serial Connection<br />

To configure the target agent for a raw serial communication connection,<br />

reconfigure and rebuild VxWorks with a serial communication interface for the<br />

target agent (see Configuration for Serial Connection, p.141).<br />

Configuring the Boot Program for Serial Connection<br />

When you connect the host and target exclusively over serial lines, you must<br />

configure and build a boot program for the serial connection because the default<br />

boot configuration uses an FTP download from the host (see 4.7 Configuring and<br />

Building a VxWorks Boot Program, p.144). The simplest way to boot over a serial<br />

connection is by using the Target Server File System. See 2.6.7 Booting a Target<br />

Without a Network, p.53.<br />

Testing the Connection<br />

Be sure to use the right kind of cable to connect your host and target.Use a simple<br />

Tx/Tx/GND serial cable because the host serial port is configured not to use<br />

handshaking. Many targets require a null-modem cable; consult the target-board<br />

documentation. Configure your host-system serial port for a full-duplex (no local<br />

echo), 8-bit connection with one stop bit and no parity bit. The line speed must<br />

match whatever is configured into your target agent.<br />

Before trying to attach the target server for the first time, test that the serial<br />

connection to the target is good. To help verify the connection, the target agent<br />

sends the following message over the serial line when it boots (with<br />



To test the connection, attach a terminal emulator 3 to the target-agent serial port,<br />

then reset the target. If the WDB READY message does not appear, or if it is<br />

garbled, check the configuration of the serial port you are using on your host.<br />

3. Commonly available terminal emulators are tip, cu, and kermit; consult your host reference<br />

documentation.<br />


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