To Light a Thousand Lamps - The Theosophical Society

To Light a Thousand Lamps - The Theosophical Society

To Light a Thousand Lamps - The Theosophical Society


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self at least by the third time, his teacher added, his wish<br />

would have been granted. In actuality, Buddha had spoken<br />

of this possibility on many previous occasions, yet each time<br />

Ānanda had let the hint go by unheeded.<br />

This is not to suggest that had either Ānanda or the<br />

disciples of Jesus grasped the significance of the divine happenings<br />

surrounding their teachers, they could have forestalled<br />

the course of destiny. Even if there is scant historic<br />

fact in the Christian and Buddhist accounts, this does not<br />

negate the psychological truths they imbody. Neither story<br />

ends ‘‘happily ever after’’; nor should it, for life is a blend of<br />

good and ill, of joy and sorrow, from which we may distill<br />

a tincture of wisdom.<br />

If we find tragedy here, it is from viewing the events at<br />

too close range. From the perspective of many lives there<br />

is neither failure nor success, only learning experiences,<br />

and in this there is comfort as well as challenge. Peter,<br />

James, and John, and Ānanda too, are ourselves; we can<br />

identify with them, for their frailty is ours. How often we<br />

awake to the reality of a situation only after an experience,<br />

aware too late of an opportunity missed. Opportunities<br />

come and go for us all. Some we seize, almost by intuition,<br />

and are the gainer; others, at times important ones,<br />

we let slip through our fingers. Yet all is not lost as some<br />

part of our consciousness does register the lesson; were it<br />

otherwise, we would not wake up later, whether after a few<br />

hours or, perchance, not until the better part of our life<br />

has gone by. But wake up we do, ultimately, and this is<br />

the triumph.<br />

In the case of Jesus, the very betrayal or failure on the

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