IPDE - Extranet Systems - World Health Organization

IPDE - Extranet Systems - World Health Organization

IPDE - Extranet Systems - World Health Organization


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14 A. W. Loranger<br />

DSM-111-R nosology. It is not considered suitable for use with normals.<br />

The latest version (MCMI-11)" consists of 175 true-false items aggregated<br />

in 20 clinical scales. These in turn are organized into three broad<br />

categories: persistent personality features, current symptom states, and<br />

levels of pathology. Norms for the test are based on several groups of<br />

normal subjects and numerous clinical samples. They include base rate<br />

scores calculated from prevalence data. The claim that it maps the<br />

domain of DSM-111 Axis I1 has been challenged and remains to be<br />

demonstrated."-18 Although more research on this subject needs to be<br />

done, efforts so far to establish a correspondence between the MCMI and<br />

the clinical diagnosis of PDs have been di~appointing.'~-~~<br />

Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDQ-R)<br />

In its revised form the PDQ-R is a 189-item true-false questionnaire<br />

developed by Hyler and ass~ciates.~' The content is keyed to the DSM-<br />

111-R personality disorders. One or more items are devoted to each Axis<br />

I1 criterion, and the wording is close to the criteria. For example, the borderline<br />

criterion, 'Inappropriate, intense anger or lack of control of<br />

anger,' is assessed by these two statements: 'I rarely get so angry that I<br />

lose control' (false) and 'I've often gotten into more real physical fights<br />

than most people' (true). A borderline diagnosis is given when the<br />

respondent answers at least one of the items that sample each of the five<br />

or more criteria required for the diagnosis in the DSM-111-R.<br />

As with the MCMI, studies have generally found a poor correspondence<br />

between the PDQ and personality diagnoses made by clinicians<br />

with and without semistructured inte~views.~'27<br />

Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ)<br />

The TPQ,28 developed by Cloninger is a 100-item self-report inventory<br />

that measures three major personality dimensions: novelty seeking, harm<br />

avoidance, and reward dependence. The inventory is based on a theoretical<br />

biosocial model that integrates neuroanatomical and neurophysiological<br />

constructs with learning styles and three personality dimensions.<br />

Normative data are based on a US sample of 1019 adults. The TPQ is<br />

available in a number of languages.<br />

Novelty seeking has four subscales: exploratoly excitability vs stoic<br />

rigidity (9 items), impulsiveness vs reflection (8 items), extravagance vs<br />

reserve (7 items), and disorderliness vs regimentation (10 items). Harm

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