SirsiDynix Symphony Training Guide - FTP Directory Listing

SirsiDynix Symphony Training Guide - FTP Directory Listing

SirsiDynix Symphony Training Guide - FTP Directory Listing


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Cataloging Exercises<br />

Appendix D: Practice<br />

Exercise<br />

This set of training exercises reinforces the skills you learned as you<br />

moved through your <strong>SirsiDynix</strong> <strong>Symphony</strong> Cataloging training. If you<br />

need help completing any of these tasks, refer to the appropriate section<br />

of this guide, where steps to perform the task are given.<br />

The following examples have been provided for use in a <strong>SirsiDynix</strong><br />

Hands-On Lab training class, based on records set up in advance for these<br />

exercises. If you are attempting to follow the steps below using records<br />

in your own database, you may need to adjust the examples for the data<br />

present on your own database.<br />

S e v e r a l o f t h e f o l l o w i n g e x e r c i s e s a r e a l s o<br />

l o c a t e d i n t h e a g e n d a f o r t h e B a s i c a n d<br />

I n t e r m e d i a t e C a t a l o g i n g c l a s s e s , f o r p r a c t i c e i n<br />

t h e H a n d s - o n L a b c l a s s e s .<br />

Exercise 1 – Adding a title manually<br />

Using the Add Title wizard, manually add a catalog record to the system<br />

using the following information:<br />

Title: Original cataloging<br />

Author: Your name<br />

Subject: Cataloging in source<br />

An appropriate call number<br />

Appropriate item information such Home Location, Item Type,<br />

Item categories, etc.<br />

Item ID - 31000108394433<br />

Exercise 2 – Authorizing bibliographic headings<br />

After saving the record in Exercise 1, the author and subject headings are<br />

labeled UNAUTHORIZED. Propose a new authority record for the<br />

author and find an appropriate existing authority for the subject heading<br />

using the Modify Title wizard.<br />

240 | S i r s i D y n i x S y m p h o n y T r a i n i n g

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