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A Platform that Integrates Quizzes into Videos<br />

Robin Woll, Sven Buschbeck, Tino Steffens, Pascal Berrang, Jörn Loviscach<br />

How can we bring together people in person to learn<br />

We want to encourage students to learn by teaching.<br />

Therefore, we are working on functions to offer and<br />

seek private tutoring in a virtual (or no longer virtual)<br />

community. We consider implementing peer-to-peer<br />

support: A user with excellent performance may sign up<br />

to automatically be recommended as an online tutor. This<br />

could be achieved by promoting Google Helpouts as well<br />

as tutoring in person. In addition, we want to integrate<br />

communication channels such as forums, chats and<br />

instant messaging.<br />

How do we teach best with quizzes<br />

The vital question in education that we can now begin<br />

to address with our platform is which type and which level<br />

of quiz is to be used at what point. Some aspects include<br />

whether to insert delayed quizzes in the spirit of “spaced<br />

practice” (Williams, 2013), possibly with personalized<br />

spacing (Lindsey et al., 2014). This is particular-ly challenging,<br />

as such an intervention seems to contradict the<br />

idea of “flow”. Addressing the application of our platform<br />

in universities, we also want to examine whether we can<br />

foster higher-order thinking rather than the memorization<br />

of facts and skills.<br />

Conclusion and Outlook<br />

We have built a platform for integrating quizzes with videos<br />

that has successfully stood a test with several hundred<br />

users. Shortly, several other courses will be added<br />

and announced to the general public. Whereas we have<br />

achieved a density of quizzes that is beyond that of regular<br />

MOOCs, we want to support the real-time produc-tion<br />

of quizzes, further improve our editor, and to open the<br />

platform for crowdsourcing. Concerning educational outcomes<br />

more directly, we are now starting to conduct experiments<br />

on the optimum usage of quizzes.<br />

References<br />

Bjork, E. L., & Bjork, R. (2009). Making things hard on yourself, but in<br />

a good way: creating desirable difficul-ties to enhance learning. In M.<br />

A. Gernsbacher, R. W. Pew, L. M. Hough, & J. R. Pomerantz (Eds.), Psychology<br />

and the real world (pp. 56–64). New York: Worth Publishers.<br />

Lindsey. R.V., Shroyer, J. D., Pashler, H., & Mozer, M. C. (2014). Improving<br />

students’ long-term knowledge retention through personalized<br />

review. To appear in: Psychological Science.<br />

Little, J. L, Bjork, E. L., Bjork, R. A., & Angello, G. (2012). Multiple-choice<br />

tests exonerated, at least of some charges. Psychological Science,<br />

23(11), 1337–1344.<br />

Loviscach, J. (2013). The Inverted Classroom Model: Where to go from<br />

here. In: J. Handke, N. Kiesler & L. Wiemeyer (Eds.) The Inverted Classroom<br />

Model, The 2nd German ICM Conference (pp. 3–14). Munich:<br />

Oldenbourg.<br />

Salomon, G. (1984). Television is “easy” and print is “tough”: the differential<br />

investment of mental effort in learning as a function of perceptions<br />

and attributions. J. of Educational Psychology, 76(4), 647-658.<br />

Szpunar, K. K., Khan, N. Y., & Schacter, D. L. (2013). Interpolated memory<br />

tests reduce mind wandering and improve learning of online lectures.<br />

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110, 6313–6317.<br />

Williams, J. J. (2013). Applying cognitive science to online learning.<br />

NIPS Workshop on Data Driven Educa-tion. http://lytics.stanford.edu/<br />

datadriveneducation/ (as of Dec. 28, 2013).<br />

Research Track |159

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