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VISUAL ASTRONOMY <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> DEEP SKY<br />

<strong>THE</strong> HUMAN EYE<br />

Table 2.3. Approximate suiface brightnesses of commonly observed objects<br />

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Dark Adaptation at Different<br />

Positions on the Retina<br />

10 20 30<br />

Time in Dark (minutes)<br />

Figure 2.4. a) Dark adaptation measured with a 2° diameter test object placed at various angular<br />

distances from the fovea. Derived from data in Middleton, 1958.<br />

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Object<br />

Sun (magnitude -26.7, d = 1800")<br />

VenuS (at greatest elongation,<br />

-4.3, d,= 24", illum. = 50%)<br />

Clear daytime sky (at horizon)<br />

Full Moon (-12.5, d = 1800")<br />

Mars at nearest opposition (-2.8, d = 25.1")<br />

Overcast daytime sky (at horizon)<br />

Jupiter at opposton (-2.5, d = 49.8)<br />

Saturn at OpposItIOn (-0.4, d = 20.5 )<br />

Heavy daytime overcast (at horizon)<br />

UranuS (S.7, d = 4.2")<br />

Neptune (7.6, d = 2.5")<br />

Sunset at horizon, overcast<br />

Clear sky 15 minutes after sunset (at horizon)<br />

Clear sky 30 minutes after sunset (at horizon)<br />

Fairly bright moonlight (at horizon)<br />

Moonless, clear night sky (at horizon)<br />

Moonless, overcast night sky (at horizon)<br />

Dark country sky between stars (at zenith)<br />

Candelas per<br />

sq. meter<br />

3000000000<br />

15000<br />

10000<br />

6000<br />

4000<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

700<br />

100<br />

60<br />

30<br />

10<br />

1<br />

0.1<br />

0.01<br />

0.00 1<br />

0.0001<br />

0.00003<br />

Magnitudes per<br />

sq. arc-sec<br />

-10.7<br />

l.9<br />

3<br />

3.6<br />

3.9<br />

5<br />

5.7<br />

5.9<br />

8<br />

8.6<br />

9.3<br />

10<br />

13<br />

15<br />

18<br />

20<br />

23<br />

24<br />

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Dark Adaptation:<br />

Different -Sized Objects at<br />

Center of Vision<br />

20<br />

Time in Dark (minutes)<br />

b) Dark adaptation as measured with test objects of different angular sizes located at the<br />

center of vision. The sizes are the diameter in degrees at which the objects could just be<br />

detected. Derived from data in Hecht et al. (1935) after Bartley (1951).<br />

30<br />

Note: Sky brightness values at the horizon can vary by a factor of ten and are adapted from<br />

Middleton (1958).<br />

For the Sun, Moon, and planets, the total stellar magnitude and diameter (d) in arcseconds<br />

(") for which the computation was performed are listed in parentheses.<br />

becomes larger for objects that are just detectable.<br />

In other words, the eye's resolution<br />

or ability to see detail is much coarser in the<br />

dark .<br />

The eye's ability to see a point source, such<br />

as a star, increases as the background luminance<br />

gets dimmer. This is shown in Figure<br />

8. Dark country skies are better than city<br />

skies for seeing faint stars because the background<br />

is fainter - not because the country<br />

skies are significantly more transparent.<br />

Astronomers often refer to sky darkness as<br />

"transparency," but this is a misnomer.<br />

A low-contrast object is more easily detected<br />

if it is larger. For an extended object<br />

such as a galaxy viewed in a telescope, magnification<br />

does not change the contrast with<br />

the background, because both the sky's and<br />

the object's surface brightnesses are affected<br />

equally. Some visual observers have stated<br />

that a dim object's contrast with the sky<br />

background increases with higher magnifica-<br />

tion, but this is clearly wrong. The contrast<br />

merely looks greater because of the increased<br />

detection capabilities of the eye.<br />

This facet of human vision has not been<br />

described in print to my knowledge, so I will<br />

coin a name for the maximum magnification<br />

that will help detection: the "optimum magnified<br />

visual angle". This angle is shown in<br />

Figure 2.6 and also Figure 2.7b. For those<br />

readers familiar with calculus and the slope<br />

of a curve, the optimum magnified visual<br />

angle occurs when the first derivative (the<br />

slope) of each curve in Figure 2.6 is equal to<br />

.<br />

-1.<br />

If an object is at the threshold of detection<br />

and smaller than the optimum angle, more<br />

magnification will make it easier to see.<br />

When the object is magnified beyond the<br />

optimum angle, its surface brightness decreases<br />

faster than the eye's contrast detection<br />

threshold, and the object will become<br />

harder to detect. Remember that even for an<br />

10<br />


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