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VISUAL ASTRONOMY <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> DEEP SKY<br />

Table C.2. BASIC Program ASTROPOS<br />

---<br />


Table C.2 (cont. )<br />

-<br />

1 REM<br />

2 REM<br />

3 REM<br />

4 REM<br />

5 REM<br />

6 REM<br />

7 REM<br />

8 REM<br />

9 REM<br />

10 REM<br />

11 REM<br />

12 REM<br />

13 REM<br />

14 REM<br />

15 REM<br />

16 REM<br />

17 REM<br />

18 REM<br />

19 REM<br />

20 REM<br />

21 REM<br />

22 REM<br />

23 REM<br />

24 REM<br />

25 REM<br />

26 REM<br />

27 REM<br />

28 REM<br />

Definitions :<br />

LONGII= longitude in decimal degree s<br />

LONGRII = long in radians = LONGII*57.29577951<br />

LONGD degree portion of longitude , west= +, east= -<br />

LONGM<br />

LONGS<br />

minutes po rtion of longitude<br />

seconds portion of longitude<br />

LATII = latitude in decimal degrees<br />

LATR# , LATD , LATM , LATS= same as in longitude , but corresponding<br />

to latitude of the observer on the earth<br />

SO# sidereal time at Greenwich at 0 hour s UT on date of observation<br />

STII Sidereal time , decimal days<br />

UTII Universal time in decimal days<br />

HAil hour angle in radians<br />

RAil object Right Ascension in radians<br />

DECII = ob je ct Declination in radians<br />

CZA# = cosine of the zeni th angle , uncorrected for re fraction<br />

ZHII = zenith angle to the horizon<br />

TSET# = set time of an object in decimal days<br />

TRISE# = rise time of an object in decimal days<br />

Zcorrll = zenith angle of an object , corrected for refraction<br />

ZA# = zenith angle of an object , not correc ted for refraction<br />

ALT# = altitude of an object<br />

AZIMII = azimuth of an object (O=north , 90=east , 180=south , 270=west)<br />

AIRMAS = air mass of an object , relative to overhead (where =1 .0)<br />

H = he ight (elevation) of observer in feet<br />

29 REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

30 REM<br />

31 REM ********** the value of PI:<br />

32 PIU = 3. 1415926536#<br />

33 REM<br />

34 REM ********** the value of one half PI:<br />

35 PIHALF# = PIU /2 !<br />

36 REM<br />

37 REM ********** number of degrees pe r radian :<br />

38 ONERAD# = 57 . 2957795 1#<br />

39 REM<br />

99 REM *** Begin Program ***<br />

100 GOSUB 1500 REM input long lat elevat ion pressure tempc<br />

104 REM setup day<br />

106 INPUT "date of observation in MM ,DD,YYYY" ; MM,DD,YY<br />

107 Y=YY : M=MM: D=DD<br />

108 GOSUB 2100 REM Cal to JD and compSO<br />

109 JJJII = J111<br />

110 REM setup RA<br />

115 GOSUB 1400 REM inp RA DEC<br />

120 REM setup name<br />

25 INPUT name of object" ; OBJNAM$<br />

1 .<br />

130 R EM se <br />

up 1me s<br />

1 35 INPUT<br />

140 INPUT<br />

.<br />

beg1n tim 1n H,M S ; BH $,BM,BS<br />

.. . <br />

end t me 1n H,M S ; EH $ <br />

EM ,ES :.<br />

..<br />

145 INPUT time 1ncrement 1n H,M,S ; A$ ,A2 ,A3<br />

150 G05UB 1600 REM DMS to Decimal<br />

155 TINCII = AII /24#<br />

160 A$=BH$: A2=BM : A3=BS<br />

165 GOSUB 1600 REM DMS to decimal<br />

170 BUMII = AII/2411<br />

175 A$=EH$: A2=EM : A3=ES<br />

180 GOSUB 1600 REM DMS to dec imal<br />

185 ETIMII = AII /2411<br />

190 CLS<br />

..<br />

1 93 PRINT ******************* ASTROPOS *********************** ..<br />

195 PRINT "Object : ";OBJNAM$<br />

200 DDEGII= RA# *ONERADII / 1 511: GOSUB 1650<br />

20 1 DEG 1=DEG : MIN1=MIN: SEC1=SEC<br />

202 DDEG II= DEC#*ONERADII : GOSUB 1650<br />

203 DEG2=ABS (DEG): MIN2=MIN: SEC2=SEC<br />

20 5 PRINT USING "Position : RA= ##_h ##_m 11# .1I1I1I_s " ; DEG1 ;MIN1 ;SEC1 ;<br />

206 IF XSIGN=l <strong>THE</strong>N XCHAR$="+" ELSE XCHAR$="-"<br />

207 PRINT USING " DEC= #11" ;DEG2 ;: PRINT CHR$ (248) ;<br />

208 PRINT USING " ## ' 1I#.#ff";MIN2; SEC2 ;: PRINT .. .. ..<br />

210 PRINT<br />

2 15 PRINT USING "Date : ## /fill /1111## ";MM;DD;YY;<br />

216 PRINT USING JUlian Day at 0 hours l1li11#1111#11. ##" ;JJJII<br />

220 REM<br />

225 PRINT "Observation site:";<br />

230 IF SLONG=l <strong>THE</strong>N XCHAR$=" .. ELSE XCHAR$="-"<br />

235 PRINT " Longitude : "; XC HAR $ ;<br />

236 PRINT USING "1I1111" ;LONGD; : PRINT CHR$ (248) ;<br />

237 PRINT USING " 1111 ' 1111.11#"; LONGM ; LONGS ;: PRINT CHR$ (34) ;<br />

240 IF SLAT=l <strong>THE</strong>N XCHAR$=" " ELSE XCHAR$="-"<br />

241 PRINT " Lat itude: ";XCHAR$ ;<br />

242 PRINT USING "111111" ;LATD ;: PRINT CHR$ (248);<br />

243 PRINT USING " 1111 ' 1I#.III1" ;LATM ; LATS ;: PRINT CHR$ (34)<br />

245 PRINT USING " - Elevation: 1111 111111# . feet" ;H;<br />

246 PRINT USING " Pressure: #111111 . mbar ";PRESSURE;<br />

247 PRINT USING " Temperature : 11111111 c" ;TEMPC<br />

250 REM<br />

254 GOSUB 1270 REM ZanglHoriz<br />

255<br />

GOSUB 2300 REM cosineHA (of horizon)<br />

260 GOSUB 2400 REM settime<br />

265 GOSUB 2450 REM rise time<br />

267 REM<br />

270 PRINT USING "zenith angle to hor izon : 11111111.111111 degrees" ;ZHII*ONERADII<br />

27 1 DDAYII = SOli : GOSUB 2030 REM ddaytoHMS<br />

272 PRINT "Sidereal time at Oh UT at Greenwi ch : ";<br />

27 3 PRINT USING "1111 h 1111 m 1111 . 111111 s";HOURS ;MIN; SEC<br />

275 DDAYII = TRISEII :-GOSUB 20 30 REM ddaystoHMS<br />

280 PRINT "Rise time (UT):";HOURS ; "h ";MIN; "m ";SEC ;"s"<br />

28 5 DDAYII = TSETII : GOSUB 2030 REM ddaystoHMS<br />

272<br />


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