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controlled depends on how many layers are<br />

deposited. Ordinary colored filters are added<br />

to block wavelengths far from the primary<br />

transmittance region.<br />

Interference filters can have very high<br />

transmittance at very narrow wavelengths.<br />

They are ideal for isolating the light of nebulae<br />

and have uses in many other areas of<br />

science. In the early 1970's the technology to<br />

make them was quite expensive, but now<br />

they can be mass produced and cost no more<br />

than a high quality eyepiece.<br />

Light-Pollution Lines<br />

VISUAL ASTRONOMY <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> DEEP SKY<br />

I<br />

What about continuum light poll<br />

This is harder to deal with. It can be<br />

only by making the filter absorb all light<br />

at the wavelengths of the nebula.<br />

wavelength band pass of an interference<br />

can indeed be made extremely narrow.<br />

example, filters used by amateurs for<br />

ing solar prominences have a band pass<br />

only 0.7 angstrom at the wavelength of<br />

rogen alpha, 6563 angstroms. At wa<br />

as fa r away as 6500 angstroms, the filter<br />

transmit less than one thousandth as much<br />

-<br />

. - - -<br />

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- -<br />

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Figure 3.5. The spectral transmISSIOn of the<br />

Lumicon UHC filter is shown for light<br />

arriving face-on (solid line) and at an angle of<br />

about 20° (dashed line) . Note how the<br />

band pass (the central peak) shifts to shorter<br />

wavelengths as the filter is tilted, and how the<br />

blocking of the light outside the bandpass<br />

becomes less effective. A relative response of<br />

-2.0 magnitudes is a transmittance of 16%,<br />

-5.0 magnitudes is 1 %, and -8.0 magnitudes<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

,<br />

Lumicon UHC Filter<br />

4000 5000 6000 7000<br />

Wavelength (angstroms)<br />

. -<br />

..<br />

- -<br />

IS 0.06%. The positions of major<br />

lines from Table 3.3 and the<br />

light-pollution lines from Table 3.4<br />

shown above the graph. The<br />

pollution lines are natural airglow lines<br />

oxygen. The broad dashed line that<br />

around 5800 to 6000 angstroms<br />

Lucalox streetlamp. Continuum<br />

sources are not shown because they affect<br />

wavelengths to some degree.<br />

-:- k Similarly, a nebula filter could be<br />

at Its pea .<br />

constrUC e<br />

5007 angstroms.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> EYE AND <strong>THE</strong> TELESCOPE<br />

d I h I· h<br />

t d that transmitte on y t e Ig t at<br />

owev , . .<br />

H er interference filters have some<br />

cl<br />

un eSlra<br />

.<br />

they wo<br />

ble charactenstlcs. In partlcu ar,<br />

.<br />

I<br />

h I ·f<br />

rk at the correct wavelengt on y I<br />

I S making up the filter are exact y t e<br />

the ayer . .<br />

h<br />

corr -<br />

t thickness. Two thmgs dIsturb t e<br />

h· k ss of these layers: temperature an<br />

t !C ne<br />

tilting of the filter. .<br />

As the temperature changes, the layers .<br />

wIll<br />

expan<br />

elength changes accordmgly. e narw<br />

d or contract and the transmItted<br />

' .<br />

Th<br />

d ·<br />

row-band solar filters are m unte m a sma<br />

oven to precisely control theIr temperature. A<br />

lar filter's wavelength can actually be scanso<br />

.<br />

necl slightly by changmg t e oven temperarure.<br />

.<br />

When a filter is tilted, the transmItted<br />

wavelength becomes shorter, the bandpass<br />

Light- Pollution Lines _ _'_ _ _ -'- _ -'- <br />

h<br />

I<br />

h<br />

d<br />

II<br />

broadens, and more unwanted light is transmitted.<br />

If you have access to a nebula filter,<br />

try tilting it and you will see its color change<br />

from greenish to purple.<br />

These effects limit the design of nebula<br />

filters for practical purposes. All nebula filters<br />

are made with bandpasses broad enough<br />

so temperature changes have no effect. Tilting<br />

the filter, however, does alter its characteristics.<br />

Because stars emit continuum light, when<br />

any wavelengths at all are blocked, stars will<br />

appear fainter. The narrower the band pass,<br />

the more starlight will be lost. Furthermore,<br />

many stars are bright enough to stimulate<br />

color perception, so if the filter transmitted<br />

only the nebular line at 5007 angstroms<br />

(green), all stars would appear green. Thus<br />

some manufacturers have made filters that<br />

transmit some blue and red light so the color<br />

balance is closer to normal. Light pollution at<br />

these wavelengths is not very great.<br />

""=_"""'_'"'""'"'O:":';'....L...I_'_ _ .L.... _ __' _ _ ..:..:.:."'"'" '"'_'_ _ _ _<br />

Ne bular Lines r=:;==r=i=::;=::!:r=r==r==;I==r==r=;=::;==;=:;==ri=::;==;:=r==r=j<br />

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Q)<br />

a:<br />

-8<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

4000 5000 6000<br />

Wavelength (angstroms)<br />

,<br />

\<br />

,<br />

,<br />

I<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,'- Edmund Deep<br />

Sky Filter<br />

on-axis<br />

' Lumicon<br />

Deep Sky<br />

Filter<br />

on-axis<br />

7000<br />

Figure 3.6. Transmittance curves of the Edmund Deep-Sky Filter (solid line) and Lumicon Deep<br />

Sky Filter (dashed line).<br />

34<br />


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