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Table F.1. Magnification causing a given suiface brightness reduction<br />

Appendix F<br />

Optimum detection magnifications<br />

for deep-sky objects<br />

Appendix E listed the minimum optimum detection<br />

magnification (MDM) for each of the<br />

611 deep-sky objects catalogued. But that<br />

magnification is the best for an object only if<br />

it is the lowest your telescope can give. No<br />

one will be viewing each object at this power<br />

optimally, unless they happen to be using a<br />

whole battery of different-sized telescopes.<br />

For your particular instrument, what is the<br />

best power for detecting each galaxy, cluster,<br />

or nebula This appendix suggests answers.<br />

It lists the optimum detection magnification,<br />

which we will call the OD M, fo r each catalogued<br />

object in a range of telescopes under a<br />

dark country sky.<br />

Of course, if an object is bright enough and<br />

the sky dark enough, it will be easy to see at<br />

many magnifications and no calculation is<br />

needed. But if the object is a challenging one<br />

near the limit of detection, it's very helpful to<br />

know the ODM.<br />

HOW <strong>THE</strong> COMPUTATION IS DONE<br />

again. By following some simple rules the<br />

solution can be found quickly.<br />

First check that the object's total magnitude<br />

is within reach of your telescope. Use<br />

Table 4.1 or equation 4.2 to find your telescope's<br />

limiting magnitude. If the object<br />

should be detectable at all, then you can do a<br />

computation to find the ODM.<br />

The ODM depends on three things. First is<br />

the surface brightness of the background (Mo).<br />

As in Appendix E we will use Mo = 24.25<br />

magnitudes per square arc-second for a dark<br />

coun try sky. Second is the size of the object<br />

you wish to study. Use the smaller dimension<br />

that describes the object. For example, if you<br />

are examining an elliptical galaxy, use the<br />

minor axis size. If you are examining a wisp<br />

of nebulosity, use its width, not its length.<br />

Third is the reduction in surface brightness<br />

due to the telescope's transmission factor and<br />

magnification.<br />

The first step is to make a guess at the<br />

ODM. You can use any number you wish<br />

here. To generate the entries in this appendix<br />

I simply made a first guess of lOOX. You<br />

For those who want to know how these values could use the MDM value from Appendix E.<br />

were calculated, or who wish to perform their To get close you might try using Figure 2.7b<br />

own calculations for light-polluted conditions in the following way. Add about one to the<br />

or for objects not listed in the table, the next background surface brightness Mo (for examfew<br />

pages explain the method. Other readers pie for a dark country sky try 25), then find<br />

may wish to skip this section. the angle corresponding to this value from<br />

The computation of the optimum detection Figure 2.7b (at Mo = 25 we find about 7 armagnification<br />

is a complex iterative proce- minutes). This angle divided by the object s<br />

dure ideal for a computer. The goal is to find size gives the first guess.<br />

the power that magnifies the object to the Now that we have made a guess at the<br />

optimum magnified visual angle. This sounds magnification, we need to see whether it is<br />

simple, but each time you change the tele- close. We must determine what effect the<br />

scope's magnification, the surface brightness magnification has on the object's brightn ss .<br />

of everything you are viewing also changes. Recall from Chapter 4 that magnification<br />

So to find the correct magnification you simp- dims the apparent surface brightness of anyly<br />

make a guess and then compute if that is thing seen through a telescope. To get a parcorrect.<br />

If not, you make a new guess and try ticular surface brightness reduction Mb ID a<br />

318<br />

::::====-<br />

Reduction in magnitudes/sq. arc-sec<br />

Telescope 0.38 2.12 3.62 4.73 6.24 7.1 2<br />

aperture<br />

-<br />

Magnification per inch of aperture<br />

15.0 25.0 50.0 75.0<br />

Inches mm 3.4 7.5<br />

--<br />

2 51 7 15<br />

4 102 14 30<br />

6 152 20 45<br />

8 203 27 60<br />

10 254 34 75<br />

12 305 41 90<br />

14 356<br />

105<br />

16 406 54 120<br />

18<br />

61 135<br />

20 508 68 150<br />

24 610 81 180<br />

30 762 101 225<br />

457<br />

47<br />

36 914 121 270<br />

40 1016 135 300<br />

given telescope means using a particular<br />

magnification m. The relation can be easily<br />

derived by rearranging equation 4.3:<br />

m = 0. 1116 D 10 (Mtl5) , or<br />

Mb = 5 10g(m / (0.1116 D)) ,<br />

(equation F.l)<br />

(equation F.2)<br />

where D is the telescope aperture in millimeters<br />

and Mb is in magnitudes per square<br />

arc-second. (If you wish to give D in inches,<br />

change the constant 0.1116 to 2.833.) Table<br />

F. l uses this formula to list the magnifications<br />

that yield certain surface-brightness reductions<br />

in various telescopes.<br />

Now compute the background surface<br />

brightness as viewed by the eye through the<br />

telescope at this power. It is found by adding<br />

the surface brightness reduction Mb from<br />

equation F.2 to the initial background Mo:<br />

Bo = Mo + Mb. (equation F.3)<br />

ow read the OMV A from Figure 2.7b<br />

Usmg this new Bo as the background surface<br />

brightness. (If you extrapolate the OMV A<br />

ey nd 27.0 mag. per square arc-sec., do not<br />

et It become greater than 360 arc-minutes,<br />

because the object is then spread over too<br />

large an area in the eye.)<br />

319<br />

30 50 100 150<br />

60 100 200 300<br />

90 150 300 450<br />

120 200 400 600<br />

150 250 500 750<br />

180 300 600 900<br />

210 350 700 1050<br />

240 400 800 1200<br />

270 450 900 1350<br />

300 500 1000 1500<br />

360 600 1200 1800<br />

450 750 1500 2250<br />

540 900 1800 2700<br />

600 1000 2000 3000<br />

A new guess for the optimum detection<br />

magnification, which for now we will simply<br />

call m, is given by<br />

m = OMVA/size (equation F.4)<br />

where "size" is the object's smallest dimension,<br />

as discussed above. If m turns out to be<br />

the same magnification that was used to compute<br />

Mb, then m is the optimum detection<br />

magnification (ODM), and you're done.<br />

More likely m will be somewhat different. In<br />

this case use the m just computed and try<br />

again until the two results match within<br />

reason. With a computer, a few iterations can<br />

quickly narrow in on a good solution.<br />

For those wishing to program this procedure<br />

into a computer you must be able to<br />

compute the curve in Figure 2.7b. Table F.2<br />

lists specific values along that curve. Other<br />

values can be found by interpolation. If you<br />

do interpolation, you should interpolate the<br />

10g(OMV A) values because the line curves<br />

too much using normal OMVA values.<br />

Let's work through an example. Suppose<br />

we intend to hunt for NGC 134 in an 8-inch<br />

telescope. What is the best magnification<br />

Look at Table F.3, which shows computations<br />

for this object. At iteration 1 an initial

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