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error of only one quarter the field diameter,<br />

or 10.5 arc-minutes for this case.<br />

A 7-power finder can do this if it is accurately<br />

aligned with the main telescope and has<br />

thin cross hairs. (An 8-inch focal length finder<br />

objective and a 7 X eyepiece would require<br />

cross hairs 0.01 inch or less in thickness<br />

- a reasonable value.) But now consider that<br />

after an object has been acquired, the magnification<br />

may be increased to 150x or 200x. If<br />

the object is lost from the field of the main<br />

telescope, where the true field is now only 20<br />

or 15 arc-minutes, it would be very difficult to<br />

reacquire the object. A low-power eyepiece<br />

would have to be reinserted in the main telescope<br />

and you'd have to start all over again.<br />

Because this book advocates observing at<br />

magnifications well above 100x on some<br />

deep-sky objects, a relatively high-power finder<br />

is also a good idea. Higher power, however,<br />

means a reduced field of view, and that<br />

can hinder comparisons with star charts. The<br />

field of view must not be less than about 5° or<br />

this becomes a real problem.<br />

The solution to this dilemma is one of two:<br />

1) a finder with exchangeable eyepieces, so<br />

that wide fields can be used for finding an<br />

object and higher magnification for precise<br />

aiming, or 2) two finders, one low power, one<br />

higher. Option 2 has the advantage that the<br />

higher-power finder could also be of greater<br />

aperture, and then very faint objects become<br />

easier to find. Disadvantages are the added<br />

expense and weight.<br />

The ease of locating objects with two finders,<br />

a small one of low power and a larger<br />

one of higher power, cannot be overstressed.<br />

For many years I had a single finder on the<br />

8-inch Cassegrain used for most of the drawings<br />

in this book. It is far better than most,<br />

because it has a 60 mm objective of 300 mm<br />

focal length (from an old telephoto lens) and<br />

a war-surplus Erfle eyepiece of 38 mm focal<br />

length and a 65° ·apparent field of view. The<br />

combination gives a breathtaking 8° field on<br />

the sky and 7.9x. The cross-hairs are graduated<br />

in 1° increments for easy star-hopping.<br />

However, after much of the research for this<br />

book was completed, and I was using magnifications<br />

consistently higher than in my early<br />

years of observing, I added a 3.1-inch, f/7.9<br />

refractor. With a 20 mm Erfle, this telescope<br />

gives a 2° field of view at 31 X.<br />

The ease of getting the general region of<br />

VISUAL ASTRONOMY <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> DEEP SKY<br />

the object in the low-power finder, then<br />

ing to the 3-inch and almost always<br />

the object and centering it, and then<br />

to the 8-inch, makes the added cost<br />

worth it. Except for a very few objects<br />

8-inch is used at magnifications of 117 X '<br />

higher. The FMR ratios are then only<br />

from the 7.9 X finder to the 31 X finder<br />

only 3.8 from the 31 X finder to the 117X<br />

be used at a magnification greater than 31<br />

for the FMR ratio to be greater than 10<br />

higher-power eyepieces can also be usd<br />

the 3-inch refractor at such times. In<br />

tion, the 3-inch is a richest-field<br />

giving some marvelous views of the sky<br />

possible with the 8-inch Cassegrain.<br />

With these thoughts in mind, Table<br />

was drawn up to recommend finder<br />

figurations.<br />

the main telescope. The 8-inch would have<br />


Caring for optics<br />

If the optics are to perform to their limit,<br />

must be clean and free from scratches.<br />

true of eyepieces, finders and the<br />

telescope. All optics get dirty with use,<br />

they must be cleaned with great care.<br />

The worst problem is invisible:<br />

abrasive dust that will scratch s<br />

during cleaning. Before anything else,<br />

gently brush off the surfaces with a<br />

hair brush (which like other cleaning items<br />

available at camera shops). Some<br />

sell cans of pressurized gas for blowing<br />

off surfaces such as lenses and mirrors,<br />

before using one of these be sure it says it<br />

not leave a residue and is safe for optics.<br />

To clean small lenses such as eyepieces,<br />

next step is to use lens-cleaning<br />

(obtainable at most camera stores) or<br />

cotton swabs and a mild soap, alcohol, or<br />

cleaning liquid (also obtainable from<br />

camera stores). Use only genuine<br />

surgical cotton, not synthetic "cotton"<br />

The glass should only be patted and<br />

rubbed because any rubbing action will<br />

to scratch dust across the surface.<br />

Mirrors can be cleaned the same way,<br />

the aluminum coating is extremely easy<br />

scratch, so the utmost care is required. If<br />

mirror is removed from its cell, it can<br />

--<br />

Main telescop e<br />

ap erture<br />

--<br />

2- to 3-inch<br />

3- to 7-inch<br />

8- to 11-inch<br />

12- to 16-inch<br />

1 6- to 24-inch<br />

=<br />

<strong>THE</strong> EYE AND <strong>THE</strong> TELESCOPE<br />

Table 3.5. Recommended two-finder combinations<br />

The lower-power<br />

finder<br />

power<br />

7x<br />

1) 8 X<br />

or 2)<br />

12 X<br />

8 x<br />

8 x<br />

8 x<br />

. mersed in lukewarm water and mild,<br />

Im . F'<br />

un<br />

scented pure soap for cleanmg. Irst run<br />

h .<br />

r<br />

u . h<br />

I kewarm tap water over t e mirror lor<br />

several minutes to dislodge dirt on t e<br />

surface. Then soak it in a plastic tub or sink<br />

full of lukewarm soapy water. (Place a towel<br />

in a sink to cushion the mirror if it is<br />

dropped.) Now swab the mirror very gently<br />

underwater with sterile cotton. Turn the wad<br />

of cotton in a backward-rolling motion so<br />

that as soon as part of it rubs the surface, it is<br />

carried away and won't touch it again. When<br />

the wad has been completely turned, throw it<br />

out and use a new one. Rinse by running tap<br />

water over the mirror again for several<br />

minutes. Finish with a rinse of distilled or<br />

de ionized water (this does not leave stains),<br />

stand the mirror on its side on a towel, and let<br />

it dry. If your tap water contains many<br />

impurities, you should use distilled or<br />

deionized water for the whole process.<br />

Eyepieces should be stored in a safe case.<br />

Some companies sell eyepiece cases, or<br />

camera cases can be adapted, or you can<br />

and many amateurs simply place the<br />

build your own. Most cases are foam lined,<br />

eyepieces in slots or holes in the foam. Such<br />

practice can damage the eyepiece if any lens<br />

surface touches the foam. The extreme case of<br />

damage would occur if the case was exposed<br />

to sunlight; the foam can melt onto the lens!<br />

The eyepieces should have some form of lens<br />

over, like a plastic cap, before being placed<br />

In a foam box. Or keep them in plastic<br />

sandwich bags.<br />

The high power<br />

finder<br />

aperture power aperture<br />

35 mm none<br />

50 mm and 15X 50 mm<br />

50 mm none<br />

50 mm and 25 X<br />

60 mm and 40 x<br />

60 mm and 50 x<br />

60 mm<br />

80 mm<br />

100 mm<br />

Dew<br />

Dew is extremely hazardous to optics.<br />

Repeated dewings can turn mirror coatings<br />

brown because when dew settles, dust settles<br />

with it. The presence of water can also start a<br />

chemical etching process by impurities.<br />

A telescope brought into a warm house<br />

from the cold will immediately dew up. The<br />

optics should be sealed before entering the<br />

house so that little water will condense on<br />

them, and after reaching room temperature,<br />

the seals should be loosened so any trapped<br />

moisture can escape.<br />

Dew can also form on a telescope while it is<br />

being used outdoors, fogging the view. This<br />

can be prevented to some degree by having a<br />

long tube in front of the objective, about<br />

twice as long as the tube's diameter.<br />

Reflectors only dew in the severest<br />

conditions, because the mirror is at the end of<br />

a very long tu be. Finder telescopes should<br />

have a long shield in front of the objective to<br />

prevent dew as well as to keep out stray light.<br />

Eyepieces are more difficult to keep from<br />

dewing up, especially since they are near the<br />

observer's breath. Eyepieces should not be<br />

left uncovered, but put in a protective box<br />

when not in use.<br />

In really wet conditions, the box could be<br />

heated with two to three watts to drive off<br />

dew. The objective can also be kept dew free<br />

by placing one to three watts of heating<br />

elements around it. Such heaters can be<br />

made with small resistors or resistive wire<br />

46<br />


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