Ramayana_VOLUME V with index

Ramayana_VOLUME V with index

Ramayana_VOLUME V with index


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<strong>Ramayana</strong>: A Divine Drama – Vol. V<br />

Indra himself. Mother and son jointly caused tremendous havoc<br />

and disaster. The jungle in which that vile ogress lives is at a<br />

distance of a yojana (nine miles) and a half from here. She<br />

reduced these two wealthy valleys Malada and Karosa into this<br />

dreaded wilderness. Out of fear the cultivators of its fertile fields<br />

fled in terror at her approach and so the jungle crept on and on.<br />

The thickly populated cities and villages were deserted and<br />

ruined, leaving no trace of human habitation. She could not be<br />

captured or destroyed, for, she could escape from all attempts to<br />

destroy her. No one has yet dared to put an end to her<br />

depredations. I cannot think of anyone except you (yes, my<br />

deepest intuition says so); no one except you can destroy this<br />

monster possessing such overwhelming might. These two, the<br />

vicious mother and son, lead and guide the demons to disrupt and<br />

pollute the Yajnas and sacred rituals of the hermits.”<br />

The words of Viswamitra moved the feelings of Rama. He could<br />

not contain <strong>with</strong>in himself the anger that surged up. With great<br />

humility and reverence, he said, “Oh great among ascetics! I<br />

have heard that the Yakshas are of poor might. (RKRV Part I p<br />

101-103)<br />

Thataki’s birth – marriage and Agasthya curse:<br />

Rama said ‘Besides, this Thataki is a female; hers is the weaker<br />

sex. How could she terrorise entire populations so Wherefrom<br />

did she acquire all this power How could she reduce this region<br />

to rack and ruin when it has been blessed by Brahma and the<br />

Gods This is indeed astounding. It is something that is beyond<br />

the bounds of belief.” Viswamitra said, “Rama! I shall explain.<br />

Listen! There was, in the past, a Yaksha named Sukethu. He was<br />


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