ANNUAL REPORT 2012 - TiGenix

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 - TiGenix

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 - TiGenix


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The consolidated financial statements<br />

incorporate the financial statements of the<br />

Company and entities controlled by the<br />

Company (its subsidiaries). Entities controlled<br />

by the Group have been fully consolidated.<br />

Control is achieved where the Company<br />

has the power to govern the financial and<br />

operating policies of an entity so as to obtain<br />

benefits from its activities.<br />

Income and expenses of subsidiaries<br />

acquired or disposed of during the year are<br />

included in the consolidated statement of<br />

comprehensive income from the effective<br />

date of acquisition and up to the effective<br />

date of disposal, as appropriate. Total<br />

comprehensive income of subsidiaries is<br />

attributed to the owners of the Company and<br />

to the non-controlling interests.<br />

All significant intra-group transactions,<br />

balances, income and expenses are<br />

eliminated in consolidation.<br /> Foreign currency translation<br />

In preparing the financial statements of<br />

each individual group entity, transactions in<br />

currencies other than the entity’s functional<br />

currency (foreign currencies) are recognized<br />

at the rates of exchange prevailing at the<br />

dates of the transactions. At the end of<br />

each reporting period, monetary items<br />

denominated in foreign currencies are<br />

retranslated at the rates prevailing at that<br />

date. Non-monetary items carried at fair<br />

value that are denominated in foreign<br />

currencies are retranslated at the rates<br />

prevailing at the date when the fair value<br />

was determined. Non-monetary items that<br />

are measured in terms of historical cost in a<br />

foreign currency are not retranslated.<br />

Exchange differences arising on the<br />

settlement of monetary items or on translating<br />

monetary items at rates different from those<br />

at which they were translated on initial<br />

recognition during the period or in previous<br />

financial statements shall be recognised in<br />

profit or loss in the period in which they arise.<br />

For the purposes of presenting consolidated<br />

financial statements, the assets and liabilities<br />

of the Group’s foreign operations are<br />

translated into Euro using exchange rates<br />

prevailing at the end of each reporting<br />

period. Income and expense items are<br />

translated at the average exchange rates for<br />

the period. Exchange differences arising, if<br />

any, are recognized in other comprehensive<br />

income and accumulated in equity<br />

(translation reserves).<br />

On the disposal of a foreign operation (i.e.<br />

a disposal of the Group’s entire interest in a<br />

foreign operation), or a disposal involving<br />

loss of control over a subsidiary that includes<br />

a foreign operation, all of the exchange<br />

differences accumulated in equity in respect<br />

of that operation attributable to the owners of<br />

the Company are reclassified to profit or loss.<br /> Segment information<br />

The Group’s activities are in one segment,<br />

biopharmaceuticals. There are no other<br />

significant classes of business, either singularly<br />

or in aggregate. Management reviews the<br />

operating results and operating plans and<br />

make resource allocation decisions on a<br />

company-wide basis, therefore <strong>TiGenix</strong><br />

operates as one segment.<br /> Business combinations<br />

Acquisitions of businesses are accounted<br />

for using the acquisition method. The<br />


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