Proceedings - C-SRNWP Project

Proceedings - C-SRNWP Project

Proceedings - C-SRNWP Project


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is partly due to the double penalty problem inherent to the ETS still needs to be evaluated.<br />

The mean FBI curve presented in fig. 1b indicates that LM-K forecasts starting from an<br />

assimilation without LHN (blue dashed lines) generally underestimate the precipitation. On<br />

the contrary, forecasts starting from an assimilation with LHN (green solid lines) begin with<br />

almost ideal values (1.0) of FBI, rapidly drop off towards the graph of the control experiment<br />

after 3-4 hours, and afterwards still stay slightly below this one for several hours. It seems that<br />

there exists a general model deficiency in generating precipitation, and LHN, however, is only<br />

able to help this problem for a short time period directly after the assimilation. More<br />

precisely, LHN does not cure the problem but it just rearranges the occurrence of precipitation<br />

during the first several hours. A higher FBI during the first four forecast hours is compensated<br />

by lower FBI-values for several hours thereafter.<br />


a) The role of the convective environment<br />

In order to quantify the role of the convective environment, a nested ensemble simulation of a<br />

severe convective event in southern Germany has been performed at MeteoSwiss. The setup<br />

of the experiment is depicted in Fig. 2. Each of the 10 members of a 7km COSMO-LEPS<br />

(Marsigli et al., 2005) simulation, driven by an ECMWF EPS run, provides the initial and<br />

boundary conditions for a 2.2km COSMO model ensemble and thus a different convective<br />

environment in which the storm develops. Each fine-scale ensemble member starts from the<br />

interpolated corresponding 7km member at 06UTC. In addition, a deterministic run<br />

interpolated from an operational MeteoSwiss 7km analysis at 06UTC is performed.<br />

Conventional and radar data are assimilated during the first 10 hours in all 2.2km simulations,<br />

followed by a free forecast of 8 hours.<br />

Figure 3a) shows the mean precipitation over the QPF validation area shown in Fig. 2<br />

(black) as simulated by the fine-scale 2.2km ensemble (member 1-10, color lines) and<br />

observed by the radar (bold black line). A large variation of the simulated precipitation<br />

amount is evident among the different ensemble members. This variation results only from<br />

the different convective environment each COSMO-LEPS member provides for its nested<br />

fine-scale member. The timing of the maximum convective activity is captured by all<br />

members due to the radar assimilation which ends at t=0 at the beginning of the convective<br />

event. But the amount of precipitation among the members differs by a factor of up to 3. The<br />

best member supports convection and reaches 78% of the observed peak, while the worst<br />

member does not support the storm and reaches only 21%.<br />

-28h<br />

-10h<br />

0<br />

+8h<br />

12UTC<br />

06UTC<br />

16UTC<br />


COSMO LEPS (7km)<br />

HIRES LEPS (2.2km) ANA FC<br />

00UTC<br />

QPF<br />

Validation Area<br />

Figure 2. Setup of the nested ensemble experiment. An ECMWF EPS run (green) drives the COSMO-LEPS (7km) (red)<br />

which drives the 2.2km (HIRES) ensemble (blue). The yellow flashes mark the time of the convection. The domains of the<br />

COSMO-LEPS and the 2.2km ensemble are depicted in the respective colors and the QPF validation area is depicted in<br />

black.<br />


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