Proceedings - C-SRNWP Project

Proceedings - C-SRNWP Project

Proceedings - C-SRNWP Project


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Aladin consortium activities in data assimilation<br />

Claude Fischer & Andras Horanyi<br />

Météo-France/CNRM ; Hungarian Meteorological Service<br />

contributors: Fatima Karbou, Pierre Brousseau, Loïk Berre, Olivier Caumont, Zahra<br />

Sahlaoui, Simona Stefanescu, Alex Deckmyn<br />

The Aladin consortium pursues the development of its variational assimilation facility, in<br />

close software interaction with the IFS/Arpège global system, and some first applications at<br />

the convective scale in the frame of the Arome project. In the two previous years, significant<br />

efforts have been spent for preparing the progressive convergence of this tool with the Hirlam<br />

system and plans for mesoscale data assimilation. We show in our note some prominent<br />

activities of the last year and draw perspectives in terms of development and collaborations.<br />

1. Mainframe 3D-VAR: example of Aladin-France<br />

Below are listed the most important technical features of the Aladin assimilation system, as<br />

far as its variational component for upper air fields is concerned, based on the example of the<br />

French application (Fischer etal., 2005):<br />

►Incremental 3D-VAR<br />

►Continuous assimilation cycle, 6 hour frequency, long cut-off assimilation cycle and short<br />

cut-off production, coupled with Arpège, Analysis=Model gridmesh=9.5km<br />

►Observations:<br />

• Surface pressure, SHIP winds, synop T2m and RH2m<br />

• Aircraft data<br />

• SATOB motion winds<br />

• Drifting buoys<br />

• Soundings (TEMP, PILOT)<br />

• Satellite radiances: AMSU-A, AMSU-B, HIRS, Meteosat-8 SEVIRI<br />

• QuikSCAT winds<br />

• Ground-based GPS zenital delays<br />

►Digital filter initialisation (non incremental)<br />

2. Background error covariance modelization<br />

2.1. Non-linear and omega balances<br />

Based on the work by Mike Fisher for the IFS, we have adapted the Aladin balance<br />

formulations in order to apply a quasi-geostrophic omega equation and a non-linear balance<br />

constraint. Figure 1 shows the effect on the analysis increment for a single observation of<br />

temperature.<br />


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