Proceedings - C-SRNWP Project

Proceedings - C-SRNWP Project

Proceedings - C-SRNWP Project


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generally very similar from case to case. Runs starting from 12 km data show a significant<br />

time for rates to grow (as would be expected since the model represents convection through<br />

parametrization) and subsequently overshoot before settling down to approximately the<br />

correct value. This highlights the need for a continuous system. However, the assimilation<br />

runs (including the 12 km runs used to start the spin-up runs) also show over-prediction<br />

during the assimilation cycle which decays into the forecast. The large peak around T+2 is<br />

particularly noticeable. This is a subject of continuing work but we have some evidence that<br />

this is related to the VAR assimilation.<br />

In spite of this bias in amount (and it should be born in mind that the radar observation may<br />

have significant error), forecasts show useful spatial skill, as reflected in the FSS discussed<br />

above The use of a relative threshold means that the scores are only sensitive to the spatial<br />

distribution of the rain rather than any overall bias. Figure 7 shows FSS scores for cases from<br />

2004 and 2005 with and without data assimilation. Without assimilation (dashed lines), a<br />

spin-up period at the start of the forecasts is evident which is longer (of order 3 hours) in the 4<br />

km model than in the 1km model. The results with data assimilation are consistently better<br />

than without, showing much less evidence of spin-up, better scores at the end of the forecast,<br />

and improvements at 1 km over 4 km and 12 km. The 1km model with assimilation gives the<br />

best performance for all times after T+1. It is expected that skill will significantly improve<br />

upon the introduction of a new nudging formulation in the assimilation and other model<br />

developments.<br />

3. Parametrization Developments<br />

Our experience with the UM at grid resolutions of around 1 km through a wide variety of case<br />

studies suggests the model is broadly successful with the existing sub-grid parametrizations<br />

(1D non-local boundary layer, 3 category ice-phase microphysics, 2-stream radiation).<br />

However, there are also some aspects of the model forecasts which consistently do not agree<br />

so well with observations and areas where the parametrizations can be improved. There are<br />

active developments to all the parametrizations in the model, but two of the most important<br />

development areas for high resolution (i.e. turbulent mixing and cloud/precipitation<br />

microphysics) are discussed in this section.<br />

Turbulent Mixing<br />

The triggering, number and intensity of convective cells is strongly controlled by the<br />

treatment of turbulence. At present we use the standard 1D boundary layer scheme with ∇ 4<br />

hyper-diffusion along horizontal model surfaces. This has been tuned to give broadly optimal<br />

results, though the value is consistent with the maximum which might be expected from a<br />

“Smagorinsky-like” turbulent mixing parametrization scheme. We are moving towards a 3D<br />

Smagorinsky-Lilly sub-grid parametrization of turbulent mixing both in the boundary layer<br />

and throughout the free troposphere which we anticipate will be required as the resolution of<br />

the model increases to the point where deep convective cells are well resolved. Bearing in<br />

mind the large horizontal to vertical aspect ratio of the grid, it is not obvious what the best<br />

formulation will be. The approach taken in the UM has been to implement the vertical and<br />

horizontal components separately allowing an explicit treatment in the horizontal but implicit<br />

treatment in the vertical (as per the boundary layer scheme) in order to retain numerical<br />

stability for shallow layers and the long timesteps used in the semi-Lagrangian dynamics.<br />

The Smagorinsky-Lilly turbulent mixing scheme in the UM is being tested in a range of<br />

idealised and real case studies. In particular, a dry convective boundary layer case, shallow<br />

cumulus (BOMEX-type) case and a surface flux forced diurnal cycle of deep convection<br />

(GCSS WG Deep Case 4) are being simulated and compared with equivalent simulations with<br />


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