CSI in the News - CSI Today

CSI in the News - CSI Today

CSI in the News - CSI Today


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Mislead<strong>in</strong>g consent forms told parents <strong>the</strong> test<strong>in</strong>g was for prevention of <strong>the</strong> disease. The research, not all ofwhich was conducted on patients, led to <strong>the</strong> development of hepatitis B vacc<strong>in</strong>es.An exhaustive review by The Associated Press of medical journal reports and decades-old press clipp<strong>in</strong>gsfound more than 40 such experiments like <strong>the</strong> one at Willowbrook. At best, <strong>the</strong>se were a search forlifesav<strong>in</strong>g treatments; at worst, some amounted to curiosity-satisfy<strong>in</strong>g experiments that hurt people butprovided no useful results.Inevitably, <strong>the</strong>y will be compared to <strong>the</strong> well-known Tuskegee syphilis study. In that episode, U.S. healthofficials tracked 600 black men <strong>in</strong> Alabama who already had syphilis but didn’t give <strong>the</strong>m adequatetreatment even after penicill<strong>in</strong> became available.These studies were worse <strong>in</strong> at least one respect — <strong>the</strong>y violated <strong>the</strong> concept of “first do no harm,” afundamental medical pr<strong>in</strong>ciple that stretches back centuries.“When you give somebody a disease — even by <strong>the</strong> standards of <strong>the</strong>ir time — you really cross <strong>the</strong> keyethical norm of <strong>the</strong> profession,” said Arthur Caplan, director of <strong>the</strong> University of Pennsylvania’s Center forBioethics.Some of <strong>the</strong>se studies, mostly from <strong>the</strong> 1940s to <strong>the</strong> ‘60s, apparently were never covered by news media.O<strong>the</strong>rs were reported at <strong>the</strong> time, but <strong>the</strong> focus was on <strong>the</strong> promise of endur<strong>in</strong>g new cures, while gloss<strong>in</strong>gover how test subjects were treated.Attitudes about medical research were different <strong>the</strong>n. Infectious diseases killed many more people yearsago, and doctors worked urgently to <strong>in</strong>vent and test cures. Many prom<strong>in</strong>ent researchers felt it was legitimateto experiment on people who did not have full rights <strong>in</strong> society — people like prisoners, mental patients,poor blacks. It was an attitude <strong>in</strong> some ways similar to that of Nazi doctors experiment<strong>in</strong>g on Jews.“There was def<strong>in</strong>itely a sense — that we don’t have today — that sacrifice for <strong>the</strong> nation was important,”said Laura Stark, a Wesleyan University assistant professor of science <strong>in</strong> society, who is writ<strong>in</strong>g a book aboutpast federal medical experiments.The AP review of past research found:* A federally funded study begun <strong>in</strong> 1942 <strong>in</strong>jected experimental flu vacc<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> male patients at a state <strong>in</strong>saneasylum <strong>in</strong> Ypsilanti, Mich., <strong>the</strong>n exposed <strong>the</strong>m to flu several months later. It was co-authored by Dr. JonasSalk, who a decade later would become famous as <strong>in</strong>ventor of <strong>the</strong> polio vacc<strong>in</strong>e.* Researchers <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> mid-1940s studied <strong>the</strong> transmission of a deadly stomach bug by hav<strong>in</strong>g young menswallow unfiltered stool suspension. The study was conducted at <strong>the</strong> New York State Vocational Institution, areformatory prison <strong>in</strong> West Coxsackie. The po<strong>in</strong>t was to see how well <strong>the</strong> disease spread that way asPage 110 of 179

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