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INTERACTIVE POSTER SESSION: THURSDAY EVENINGLOCATION: CONV. CTR. LEVEL 200 MEZZANINE . .THU 6:00 TO 7:30 PMAll symposium attendees – You are invited to attend the evening Interactive PosterSession to view the high-quality posters and engage the authors in discussion.Enjoy light refreshments while networking with colleagues in your field. Authorsmay set up their posters between 7:30 am and 12:00 noon the day of their postersession. Special daytime previewing prior to the session from 12:00 noon to4:30 pm. Attendees are required to wear their conference registration badges toaccess Level 200, Mezzanine to view the posters.Posters that are not set up by the 5:00 pm cut-off time will be considered noshows,and their manuscripts may not be published. Poster authors shouldaccompany their posters from 6:00 to 7:30 pm to answer questions fromattendees. All posters and other materials must be removed no later than 8:00pm. Any posters or materials left behind at the close of the poster session will beconsidered unwanted and will be discarded. SPIE assumes no responsibility forposters left up after the end of each poster session.Aliasing removing of hyperspectral image based on fractal structurematching, Ran Wei, Ye Zhang, Junping Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology(China) ...................................................[9481-20]A low noise low power 512x256 ROIC for extended wavelength InGaAsFPA, SongLei Huang, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics (China). [9481-21]A telephoto camera system with shooting direction control by gazedetection, Daiki Teraya, Takumi Hachisu, Tomohiro Yendo, Nagaoka Univ. ofTechnology (Japan) .........................................[9481-22]Reconstruction the system PSF by using the sub pixel technique, XiaofengSu, Fansheng Chen, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics (China) . . [9481-23]A bionic multi-band polarimetric imaging system, Yong Liu, Jingxiang Yang,Yongqiang Zhao, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ. (China) .........[9481-24]Imaging by electromagnetic induction with resonant circuits, RobertaGuilizzoni, UCL (United Kingdom); Joseph Watson, AWE (United Kingdom); PaulBartlett, Ferruccio Renzoni, UCL (United Kingdom) ................[9481-25]Enhancing the quality of experience of a portable device by creating anillumination model based on the ambient light sensor readings, Asmaa H.Marhoubi, Helmut E. Bez, Eran A. Edirisinghe, Sara Saravi, Loughborough Univ.(United Kingdom) ...........................................[9481-26]Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in a chemically etched ZnSe substrateand its effect on the Raman signal enhancement, Syed K Islam, City College,City University of New York (CUNY) (USA); John Lombardi, Maria Tamargo,Richard Moug, The City College of New York (USA) ...............[9481-27]Effect of high energy proton implantation on the device characteristicsof InAlGaAs-capped InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot based infraredphotodetectors, Sourabh Upadhyay, Arjun Mandal, Hemant J. Ghadi,Dinesh Pal, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India); Nagaraju B. V.Subrahmanyam, Pitamber Singh, Bhabha Atomic Research Ctr. (India);Subhananda Chakrabarti, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay(India)....................................................[9481-28]A detail investigation on quaternary and ternary capped strain coupledquantum dots based infrared photodetectors and effect of rapid thermalannealing temperature, Subhananda Chakrabarti, Hemant J. Ghadi,Sourav Adhikary, Saikalash Shetty, Akshay Balgarkashi, Indian Institute ofTechnology Bombay (India)...................................[9481-29]Studies on abrupt and gradual heterostructured hole barriers in barrierenhanced InAs/GaSb superlattice long wavelength photodetectors,Yi Zhou, Jianxin Chen, Fangfang Wang, Zhicheng Xu, Li He, Shanghai Instituteof Technical Physics (China) ..................................[9481-30]Automated optical system alignment and low order wavefront sensing,Joyce Fang, Cornell Univ. (USA) ...............................[9481-31]Fluorescence of quantum dots on e-beam patterned and DNA origamisubstrates, Timothy C. Corrigan, Matthew Kessinger, Ina Nikolli, Concord Univ.(USA); Michael L. Norton, David Neff, Marshall Univ. (USA) ..........[9481-32]Analysis for simplified optics coma effection on spectral image inversion ofcoded aperture spectral imager, Yangyang Liu, Qunbo Lv, Linlin Pei, JianweiWang, Academy of Opto-Electronics (China) .....................[9481-33]Random laser action in al nanoparticle/Rh6G-doped silica gel, Chao Yang,Guoying Feng, Hong Zhang, Jiayu Yi, Jiajia Yin, Shouhuan Zhou, Sichuan Univ.(China) ...................................................[9481-34]CONFERENCE 9481LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 328Maximum allowable low-frequency platform vibrations in high resolutionsatellite missions: challenges and look-up figures, Javad Haghshenas,Satellite Research Institute (Iran, Islamic Republic of) ..............[9481-35]Choosing the right video interface for military vision systems, EdwardGoffin, John Phillips, Pleora Technologies Inc. (Canada) ............[9481-36]Nanomolecular gas sensor architectures based on functionalized carbonnanotubes for vapor detection, Deon Hines, The City College of New York(USA) ....................................................[9481-37]Non-uniformity correction with temperature influence compensation inmicrobolometer detector, Michal Krupinski, Grzegorz Bieszczad, SławomirGogler, Henryk Madura, Military Univ. of Technology (Poland) .......[9481-54]High-sensitivity active pixel sensor with variable-threshold photodetector,Sung-Hyun Jo, Myunghan Bae, Byoung-Soo Choi, Jang-Kyoo Shin, KyungpookNational Univ. (Korea, Republic of) .............................[9481-55]SENSING TECHNOLOGY + APPLICATIONS+1 360 676 3290 · help@spie.org · (Twitter) #DSS 119

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